Our approach

CBI is recognised worldwide as a leading expert in export development. Our integrated approach is unique in the world of trade development.

Integrated programmes

The main goal of our programmes is to develop specific sectors in the countries where we work. We customise our programmes to the local situation, tackling the issues that interfere with export to Europe.

To achieve this we do not just involve small- and medium-sized enterprises. We also work with the export enabling environment. This includes governments, trade promotion organisations, sector associations and other expert organisations. Sometimes, we help these organisations improve their services for exporters through capacity building. In other cases these organisations bring expertise that we do not have ourselves. This way, we can tackle more issues within the sector and increase exports.

This is what we call an integrated approach.

4 steps

When we develop a programme, we work in 4 consecutive steps:

  1. Value Chain Selection

    When we start working in a country we first select those value chains which have the most potential for export to Europe. We base this selection on thorough research, taking both supply in the country and demand in Europe into consideration. We also look at the export enabling environment, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) risk and options for local value addition.
  2. Value Chain Analysis and Business Case Development

    The next step is to find out what issues stop companies from exporting to Europe? If we believe we can help solve these issues, we develop a Business Case. This is an outline of how we can strengthen the value chain and increase exports.
  3. Implementation

    After a programme has been approved, we make sure we have enough funding. Then we connect with external partners to make sure the issues that we cannot solve are tackled as well. We select the companies that can take part, based on thorough audits. Then the programme is ready to begin. Usually, a programme takes between 3-4 years. While it is being implemented, we monitor and evaluate progress.
  4. Audit & Evaluation

    We audit and evaluate each programme when it is finished. The goal is to find out how successful the programme was and what we can learn from it for future programmes.

Want to know more?

Check out our Programme Management Manual or contact us with your questions.