Consultancy Assignments for our projects abroad

We are looking for external consultants to support us in our work abroad. CBI seeks individuals in specialised areas and for specific projects. Our consultancy assignments are non-staff functions. On this page, you will find a list of current consultancy assignments and tenders. The duration of these projects varies from a few months to a few years.


In line with the relevant procurement procedures, CBI can directly invite one or more experts to submit a quotation or engage in a bidding competition for assignments. Longer-term assignments and assignments above a certain threshold are listed as European tenders.

CBI publishes all tenders on its digital platforms. Our European tenders are open for European and non-European consultants. You can find current tenders for consultancy services on this page or via:


We have different types of agreements with our experts:

  • Regular agreement: for an assignment that is clearly defined, has clear deliverables and an end date. If we accept your offer for a specific activity, we will give you a contract for it.
  • Framework agreement: for a longer-term assignment, usually 3-4 years. We will give you specific assignments related to the work described in the tender document up to the monetary amount and/or date mentioned in the agreement.


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Become part of CBI's expert network

At CBI, we do valuable work with and through our experts. Even if you are not working on a consultancy assignment for us at the moment, you can still become part of our expert network.

Our network helps experts connect, explore and engage with each other and CBI. It is for those working for CBI and those interested in working with us. We organise different learning and social activities for our expert network. We also offer an online community platform where experts can meet and expand their network, share experiences, learn from each other and find information on relevant topics related to working for CBI.

To join the CBI expert network, complete our survey about your expertise and experience (5-10 minutes). Please also send us your curriculum vitae.

If you have any questions, contact us via