17th African Fine Coffee Conference & Exhibition, Kigali, Rwanda - Ethiopian participation

The African Fine Coffee Conference & Exhibition (AFCCE) at the Kigali Convention Center in Rwanda is Africa’s largest coffee trade platform that – over the three days of the event from February 13-15, 2019 – brings over 2,000 regional and international coffee roasters, traders, producers, professionals and connoisseurs under one roof!

The exhibition area has increasingly been regarded as pivotal in providing a unique opportunity to exhibitors showcasing the best coffees and affiliated services providing ample opportunity to network with coffee luminaries from all over the world.


You can meet with 9 of the best Ethiopian coffee producers and 3 Business Support Organizations sponsored by the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) at the CBI Ethiopia Specialty Coffee pavilion. CBI has contributed a programme of highly dedicated skills to them since 2014 to produce better specialty coffee, improve their production methods and marketing strategies, sharing knowledge and global networks of buyers of specialty coffee and expressing the Ethiopian specialty coffee competitiveness and market potential.

Ethiopia as coffee producer

Ethiopia is well known as the land of origin for coffee, the birthplace of Arabica coffee and with the most diverse and exotic varieties that are highly appreciated as some of the best premium coffees in the world. Ethiopia is now moving to become a land of coffee origins thanks to the traceability and sustainability of millions of producers and farms working together and encouraged by the CBI Export Coaching

Ethiopia is the fifth largest coffee producer in the world and also the first African producer of Specialty Arabica. The naturally diverse agro-ecological situation of the country and their millennial traditions allows this magical land to produce and supply truly unique and different types of coffee to the most demanding standards of roasters and consumers worldwide.

Coffee in Ethiopia is a flourishing culture, and everyday life in Ethiopia is celebrated with coffee.

Participating Specialty Coffee companies:

And will be joined by the following Business Support Organisations from Ethiopia:

Visit us

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the CBI Ethiopia Specialty Coffee pavilion at the 17th AFCCE, which will take place from Wednesday, 13 February until Friday 15 February 2019.

Meet for drinks

CBI and the Ethiopian exhibitors will organise a drink on Thursday, 14 February at 15:30 p.m. in the stand. If you are interested to learn more about Ethiopian specialties, you are invited to join!

Event details

Date: Wednesday, February 13, 2019 to Friday, February 15, 2019


Kigali Conference Center, Kigali, Rwanda


17th African Fine Coffee Conference & Exhibition

More information

For more information, please contact CBI’s Patrick Gouka or Arianne van Ham via ingredients@cbi.eu

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Event details


Wednesday, February 13, 2019 to Friday, February 15, 2019


Kigali, Rwanda

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Programme Manager

Current events

Patrick Gouka

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