African Fine Coffee Conference & Exhibition

During the 18th African Fine Coffee Conference & Exhibition, CBI has been invited by Markup, EU-EAC Market Access Upgrade Programme to make a presentation and be part of a panel discussion during the plenary debate: “Coffee Industry Talks. Industry leaders share key industry trends, regulations and practices” with participants. During this event, we shall also have our market researcher Profound, Mrs Lisanne Groothuis presenting our Market Intelligence Market Entry study during the business clinics: “Buyer negotiations and expectations”.


  • CBI presentation & panel discussion by our programme manager Market Intelligence, Mrs Jantien Rutte 
  • On behalf of CBI, by Profound, Mrs Lisanne Groothuis, presentation Market Intelligence, Market Entry study
  • Visit 18th AFCA Coffee Conference & Exhibition
  • Follow high-level forum programme organized by Markup 
  • Meet the worldwide coffee industry

Come and see us at

Tuesday 11th of February 2020 during 14.00 – 15.30 and Thursday 13th of February 2020 between 14.00 – 18.00 at the Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort, Mombasa, Kenya.

More information?

If you need any further information, please contact our program manager Market Intelligence, Mrs Jantien Rutte.

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Event details


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 to Thursday, February 13, 2020


Sarova Whitesands Beach Resort, Mombasa, Kenya

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Programme Manager

Current events

Jantien Rutte

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