CBI Market Information Presentations Anuga 2019

Are you interested in market information about processed fruits, vegetables, edible nuts & grains, pulses and oilseeds? Visit our CBI market information presentations with over 200+ products & product groups analyzed and many tips!

Come join us at CBI Market Information Presentations, 7 October 2019 at Anuga 2019

At Anuga 2019 you can learn first-hand form CBI Market Researchers:

  • Which European markets offer most opportunities?
  • Which products have the most export potential?
  • Which trends offer chances and which pose threats?

Experience how CBI’s free market research can help you with your exports to Europe.

Join us in room 9.2.09 (close to hall 9)

13:00 – 14:15     By Aleksandar Jovanovic, International Consultant at Autentika, Opportunities on the European market for Processed Fruits and Vegetables and Edible Nuts

14:30 – 15:45     By Michel Peperkamp, Director/Owner ICI Business, Opportunities on the European market for Grains, Pulses  and Oilseeds

Both presentations include an Q&A with the researchers.

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Event details


Saturday, October 5, 2019 to Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Koelnmesse, Keulen, Duitsland

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Arthur Scheinhardt

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