CBI Market Information Presentations Tourism 2019

Are you a tourism company from Kenya? And are you interested in market information about the European market? Visit our CBI market information presentations with all niches & product groups analyzed, and with many tips.

Come join us at CBI Market Information Presentations, 2 November 2019 at Pride Inn Westlands Nairobi.

This event is organised in collaboration with TOSK and Sustainable Travel and Tourism Agenda Kenya.

During this workshop, you can learn first-hand from CBI Market Researchers:

  • Which European markets offer most opportunities?
  • Which products have the most export potential?
  • Which trends offer chances and which pose threats?

Experience how CBI’s free market research can help you with marketing your tourism services to Europe.

More information? Write us at: contact-us@cbi.eu

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Event details


Saturday, November 2, 2019


Pride Inn Westlands, Westlands Road, Nairobi, Kenya

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Programme Manager

Current events

Arthur Scheinhardt

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