CBI Market Information Presentations Tourism 2020

Are you a Small and Medium Size Enterprise (SME) tourism company looking to increase its international sales? Are you interested in Market Information about the European market?

Visit our CBI market information presentations at ITB 2020. We have analyzed growth opportunities in many niches & product groups and have many tips for growing your business.

Come join us at the CBI Market Information Presentations, 4 and 6 March 2020, at hall 4.1b / 233 of ITB BERLIN.

During the presentations, you can learn first-hand from CBI’s Market Researchers:

Wednesday 4 March, 15:30 - 16:00 Pow Wow Stage
Tips that help small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) - Alison Burgh & Judy Kepher Gona

  • What are the most important buyer requirements?
  • Where to find buyers?
  • How to effectively engage with buyers?

Friday 6 March, 13:00 - 13:45 Main stage
Accessing the European Tourism Market / Promising Niches - Alison Burgh & Judy Kepher Gona

What are the opportunities on the European markets for:

  • Adventure Tourism
  • Nature and Eco Tourism
  • Cruise Tourism
  • SAVE Tourism

Experience how CBI’s free market research can help you with marketing your tourism services to Europe.

The presentation includes a Q&A with the researchers.

More information? Contact us at: cbi@cbi.eu

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Event details


Wednesday, March 4, 2020 to Friday, March 6, 2020


ITB Berlin

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Programme Manager

Current events

Arthur Scheinhardt

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