Fruit Logistica, Berlin, Germany

From 6 - 8 February 2019 companies from across the entire fresh produce sector – from global players to small and medium-sized companies and organisations from all over the world - will again be present in Berlin. The entire spectrum of the fresh fruit and vegetable sector.

FRUIT LOGISTICA covers every single sector of the fresh produce business and provides a complete picture of the latest innovations, products and services at every link in the international supply chain. It thus offers superb networking and contact opportunities to the key decision-makers in every sector of the industry.

3.239 exhibitors and 78.000 trade visitors attend FRUIT LOGISTICA every year to realise their full business potential within the international fresh produce trade – and to write their own success story!

Fruit Logistica is:

  • Fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Dried fruit and nuts
  • Packaging and labelling
  • Transport and logistical systems
  • Produce handling and storage
  • Press and media
  • Computer and internet solutions
  • Cultivation systems
  • Greenhouses and greenhouse technology

This year a diverse group of five companies supported by CBI and the Jordan Exporters and producers, Association for Fruit and Vegetables (JEPA), will be introducing their products.

The following companies supported by JEPA and JEPA will be present at Fruit Logistica 2019:

Participating companies JEPA & CBI:

  • Basateen Allordon | Fresh Strawberries       
  • AbuSido Farms |Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
  • Al Madjool Village | Premium dates (jumbo, large, and medium) and delight  dates (super jumbo and large)                   
  • Good Food Mood   | Organic Medjool Dates
  • First Food For Vegetable Industry co. | Iceberg Lettuce Salad, Lolorossa lettuce, Lolobyonda lettuce, Res Oakleaf lettuce, Parsley, Mint, spinach, Carrots and White Cabbage

Export promotion mission

More than 20 companies that are supported by CBI and JEPA will also visit the Fruit Logistica as part of an export marketing development programme where exports in horticulture from Jordan to the different international markets is promoted. A delegation of around 60 Jordanians from the public and private sector will join Fruit Logistica in Berlin. Any interest from importers from Jordan can get acquainted with the delegation and hear about the programme as well as the future of Jordan as a fruit and vegetable exporter on the international market.          

Visit us

We look forward to welcoming you from 6 to 8 February, 2019 at Hall 10.1, stand A-10!

More information

For more information, please contact CBI’s Anne Wensveen or Miriam Jaddour via

Or for JEPA, please contact  Basem Naouri or Nadal Jweihan via

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Event details


Wednesday, February 6, 2019 to Friday, February 8, 2019

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Programme Manager

Current events

Anne Wensveen

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