Online course: Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility

6-20 July, all regions, all sectors

Collaboration with IPD and ITC

In 2017, IPD, ITC and CBI jointly developed the e-learning course: ‘Introduction to CSR’. IPD financed the building of the course. ITC is the host and is responsible for maintenance. CBI delivers the content and tutoring. Since 2017, the e-learning course has been updated and is offered 3 times a year on the ITC SME Academy website.

Course description

This course introduces participants to corporate social responsibility (CSR) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It begins by introducing participants to the definition and importance of CSR. There is a particular focus on the business drivers of CSR involvement for an SME. Highlighting the risks and rewards of becoming involved in CSR, the course presents the concept in terms of 3 pillars. These cover many concrete sustainability topics. Finally, the course concludes by showing participants how to understand their company’s position in the CSR environment. It provides them with a CSR Readiness Checklist. This checklist helps SMEs identify the most productive way for them to engage with the various aspects of CSR.

Participation in the CSR e-learning course is free of charge. It takes a total of 4 hours and must be completed in 2 weeks. You can plan these 4 hours according to your own schedule.

Learning objectives

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Determine the importance of CSR to their organisation and its stakeholders;
  • Identify relevant topics and instruments to develop their CSR strategy;
  • Complete the CSR readiness checklist.

Register now

Nowadays, CSR is an important topic in everyone’s daily business around the world. It continues to grow in importance, also among the importers that we work with at CBI. We strongly encourage you to register before the 6 July to take part in the next session.

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Event details


Monday, July 6, 2020 to Monday, July 20, 2020

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Programme Manager

Current events

Nicky Buizer

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