Online course: Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility

This online course introduces participants to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It looks at the definition and importance of CSR.

The course highlights the risks and rewards of CSR and presents it as 3 pillars. The pillars cover many sustainability topics. The course concludes by helping participants understand their company’s position in the CSR environment. At the end of the course, participants get a CSR readiness checklist. This checklist helps SMEs identify the best way for them to get involved in CSR.

What will you learn?

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Determine the importance of CSR to your organisation and its stakeholders;
  • Identify relevant topics and instruments to develop your CSR strategy; and
  • Complete the CSR readiness checklist.

Register for the online course

Participation in this online course is free of charge. You can register until 21 March 2021.

Please tell us your country during registration.

The course takes a total of 4 hours and must be completed within 2 weeks. You can plan this according to your schedule.

Collaboration between CBI, IPD and ITC

In 2017, IPD, ITC and CBI developed the e-learning course: ‘Introduction to CSR’. IPD financed the building of the course. ITC is the host and is responsible for maintenance. CBI creates content and provides tutoring. Since 2017, the e-learning course has been updated. It is offered 3 times a year on the ITC SME Trade Academy website.

“The online training on CSR was really beneficial and productive. It reinforced and confirmed what we are already doing. I actually found it to be almost as good as being present in person. You have all the information you need.  You can ask questions and learn via the forum, and people respond and share their experiences.”
Tariku Yadete, CEO of tourism company Yama Tours, Ethiopia
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Event details


Monday, March 22, 2021 to Monday, April 5, 2021


Online course

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Business Support Organisation

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Lisanne van Beek

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