Peruvian Garments at Who’s Next in Paris

Discover luxurious and sustainable garments from Peru at Who’s Next in Paris.

From the 20th until the 23rd of January, 5 of CBI’s participants in the Peru Garments Programme will exhibit their collections at Who’s Next in Paris. Peru offers wonderful natural fibres for garments such as pima cotton, a luxury fibre which is extremely durable, and Alpaca wool which is woven into luxurious silky fibres. The Peru Programme focusses on positioning pima cotton and Alpaca wool as fashionable fabrics that can be used in modern fashion lines. After an extensive export coaching programme these brands are now ready to export to the European market.

The following companies will be present at our stand in the PRIVATE Hall:

ALESSA – showcasing knitted alpaca and alpaca blended sweaters and cardigans for men and women.

Raymisa – Revealing their collection Inti Peru, a collection of beautiful garments from alpaca wool

JUAN ARIAS - exhibiting fashionable and casual men’s clothing from (organic) pima cotton and alpaca blends.

NYM's – Presenting luxurious modern styled outerwear such as coats and jackets made of alpaca wool

Royal Me  -  Displaying classic and unique garments made of alpaca fibres, and also blended with merino wool, silk, linen or pima cotton.

Contact us if you are interested in finding out more about these brands or the Peru Garments Programme, or visit our stand at Who’s Next!


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Event details


Friday, January 20, 2017 to Monday, January 23, 2017


Paris, France

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Programme Manager

Current events

Melanie van der Baaren-Haga

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