Webinar: Access to Finance for companies from Central America

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The 'Connecting Central America’ initiative organised webinar (in Spanish) on Access to Finance for companies from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama and Nicaragua. This initiative is part of an EU financed and SIECA – coordinated INTEC project.

Target group

Are you an (aspiring) exporter in Central America, interested in access to finance, and active in one of the following sectors?
1) Specialty coffees
2) Cacao & derivatives
3) Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
4) Fish and Seafood

Topics of the webinar

During this webinar (in Spanish), key elements are presented of the training course which is currently being provided to the 64 participants of the 'Connecting Central America' project.
You will learn more about the following topics:
• The perspectives regarding the impact of COVID-19 on exports and your business;
• Mechanisms to access finance in support of international trade;
• How to present your company and its plan to a financial institution.

Watch the webinar recording

This webinar was held on Wednesday on July 1 2020.

About the presenter

Alfonso Ramírez is an expert in finance and international trade with more than 13 years of experience providing services and strategic advice for the development of the micro, small and medium import- and export related companies.

He is also a professor at the Francisco Marroquín University of Guatemala and he is the director of International Trade at Ecja Law & Technology, as an associate in the areas of International Trade, Marketing International and Business Intelligence.

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Event details


Wednesday, July 1, 2020



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Nicky Buizer

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