Webinar (free): The Impact of COVID-19 on the European Fish & Seafood market

The Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) offers a free Market Intelligence webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on the European Fish & Seafood market.
Our market researchers from the Seafood Trade and Intelligence Portal (STIP) will get you up to date on the situation in Europe, the community measures taken, their impact on the seafood market and seafood importers and exporters. What is the outlook for exporters from developing countries, exporting to the European market?
Watch the webinar recording
This webinar was held on Thursday 25 June, 14:00-15:15 UTC (16:00-17:15 CEST), presented by Sander Visch & Sophia Balod from Seafood Trade Intelligence Portal.
More information?
The Seafood Trade Intelligence Portal’s (STIP) mission to increase the level of transparency in the seafood industry, to build partnerships, and to promote the investment in sustainable, aquaculture, and fishery supply chains. Our products and services shed light on what happens in supply chains and enable companies to make sustainable and profitable business decisions. STIP has become a credible source for trade and market information for the global seafood sector.