Webinar: How to respond to COVID-19 in the IT and business process outsourcing

The global outbreak of COVID-19  is having a major impact on international trade, travel and communication. Like many other sectors, companies in IT and Business Process Outsourcing are facing major challenges.

CBI published a study with a step-by-step plan to deal with those challenges. It includes the immediate actions you should take and actions that prepare you for doing business after the crisis.

Your questions answered

Our CBI expert Peter Vogelaar presented the study during a webinar on the 16 July 2020 followed by a Questions and Answers session.

Peter Vogelaar is a former IT-outsourcing business owner who is now active as CBI expert. He has worked in different countries for CBI and is currently using his extensive experience in the IT outsourcing sector to support companies in Uganda and Senegal.

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Thursday, July 16, 2020



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Margot Lobbezoo

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