9 CBI-trained womenswear brands to take part in Who’s Next 2021

Fashion fairs are finally going ahead this autumn. 9 womenswear brands from Moldova and Belarus will take part in Who’s Next 2021 in Paris from 3-6 September 2021. These brands all took part in the CBI Ready to Trade project.

In the Ready to Trade project, CBI and the International Trade Organization prepared 34 fashion companies from Moldova and Belarus for the EU market. These companies worked on their collections and looked at their sustainability. They also learnt about the EU market requirements and the latest trends. After a year and a half of waiting, they are ready to show off their collections at Who’s Next 2021.

High-quality brands

Moldova and Belarus have a long history of fashion production. The brands taking part in Who’s Next build on this tradition and combine it with modern design and the latest trends. They mix creativity and Italian elegance and work with high-quality materials sourced from Europe.  

The brands will be in 2 country pavilions:

The CBI sector experts who coached the brands will represent them.

For more information about the brands, browse through our online brochure. You can contact them via the sector experts:

Responsible production

One huge advantage of these brands is that the collections are both designed and produced in-house. This results in great flexibility and a high service level. It also guarantees a responsible and transparent production process, with respect for every step and every person working within the supply chain.

Who’s Next 2021

Would you like to know more about Who’s Next 2021 or the Ready to Trade Project?  Contact Afke van der Woude, Programme Manager at CBI.

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