Business Support Organisations gearing up for enhanced market research services

On the 24th and 25th of April, CBI and the Swiss Import Promotion Programme (SIPPO) conducted a training on CBI’s market research approach. The session was organised for a select group of Business Support Organisations and took place in Tunis at CEPEX Headquarters. This training was organised in light of the enhanced interest of CBI to reconnect to Tunisia.

Participants were tired but enlightened, as they finished two days of highly interactive and enriching training on market research approach: “I liked the approach of the training that has focused all the activity on the practical points of setting up a market intelligence activity” - M. Lotfi Baccouche, Commercial and Marketing Director of the Interprofessional Group of Canned Food.

As part of the training, the participants developed an action plan for their Business Support Organisation (BSO) in which they planned ahead on how to put the learned skills to practice. The aim is to reach a 'shift' in working methods, in which market research becomes an integral part of the offering of the BSOs to the Small and Medium Enterprises in Tunisia.

The five BSOs that are partners of SIPPO in Tunisia took part in the training: the Exportation Promotion Center (CEPEX), The Tunis Chamber of Commerce (CCIT), Agriculture Investment Promotion Agency (APIA), The Interprofessional Group of Canned Food (GICA) and the Interprofessional Group of Fish and Seafood (GIPP).


This training program came as a continuation of an intensive training on market profile studies organised by SIPPO for the benefit of its 5 partner BSOs in Tunisia. This fruitful collaboration with CBI fits in with SIPPO’s strategy 2017-2020 to strengthen the capacities of BSOs in the field of market intelligence.

Working together

Reaching the European market is not a piece of cake. This is exactly the strength and focus of both CBI and SIPPO: “Local business support organisations can play a central role in helping SMEs to reach the European market and market research plays a key role in being successful on the European market.” – Phaedra Veenendaal, Programme manager CBI.

Earlier this year in February, CBI visited Tunisia to meet with various stakeholders to study the opportunities in light of CBI’s interest in efforts that contribute towards economic stability and a better future for youth.

This initiative - a follow up of the visit - is an example of cooperation with European partners. It is a good practise of the agreement between SIPPO and CBI to work closer together in the field wherever there are opportunities to bundle strengths and add value.


Photo: participants succesfully finalised the training in Tunis, Tunisia.

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