CBI’s Market Information concentrates on fewer sectors

For the coming years the CBI Market Information (MI) Team will be publishing new studies in 14 instead of 25 sectors.

Market Information

Market intelligence about the European market is an important service we offer our target audience of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. We connect SMEs from developing countries to the European market with the goal to stimulate sustainable economic development. Offering high quality market information is an essential tool in reaching this goal.  Every two weeks CBI publishes new freely accessible studies on www.cbi.eu/marketinfo.

Less is more when it comes to new studies

CBI is in the final stages of tendering which market research companies will produce the Market Analysis and Market Entry studies for the coming years. Whereas 4 years ago the focus was on 25 sectors, the current tender  distinguishes between 14 different sectors, which CBI considers to be high potential sectors for exporters from developing countries. The focus on fewer sectors is in line with general CBI policy. No change is foreseen in the number of studies. Therefore CBI aims at increasing the number and quality of studies with a sharpened focus on these 14 sectors.

The following sectors  will be available on our platform from January 2019 onwards:

  1. Natural Ingredients for Health Products
  2. Natural Ingredients for Cosmetics
  3. Natural Food Additives
  4. Processed Fruit and Vegetables and Edible Nuts
  5. Spices and Herbs
  6. Grains, Pulses and Oilseeds  
  7. Coffee
  8. Cocoa
  9. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
  10. Fish and Seafood
  11. Tourism
  12. Outsourcing   
  13. Apparel
  14. Home Decoration and Home Textiles

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