CBI results 2016 now available

CBI focuses on various topics related to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, particularly Goal Eight. This goal promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. Together we work hard to achieve good results, and we are proud to present the CBI results of 2016.

In cooperation with small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) in developing countries we are working hard to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal Eight.

Equality and empowerment

One of the topics in the Sustainable Development Goals is gender equality and women’s empowerment. In 2016, for the total number of companies CBI supports we reached a total employment of 100,402, with a female employment of 50,862. At these companies, jobs for youth in the age between 15 and 25 increased with 19%.

Total export in 2016, as realised by directly supported SME’s, consisted of €485 million to the European market and €686 million to the non-EU market. 846 small and medium-sized enterprises were supported by CBI in 2016. Of these SME’s, 533 exported their products to Europe.

Corporate social responsibility

A key element of CBI policy is Corporate social responsibility (CSR). Therefore, special attention is given to CSR issues in our programmes. Together with the SME’s involved we make plans to improve health and safety, working conditions and tackle human rights issues in the workplace. All of this resulted in 430 SME’s committed to CSR this past year.

CBI supports 263 SME’s in least-developed countries (LDC) and 583 SME’s in non-LDC. These SME’s are active in over 15 main sectors, such as fresh fruits & vegetables, wines, garments, natural ingredients, tourism, IT, flowers and metal.

Annual report 2016

Download the infographic for our results in 2016.

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