CBI signs up for ‘Connecting Central America’

CBI will sign three Memoranda of Understandings this week with local partners in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Together with these partners, CBI will implement the EU-financed ‘Connecting Central America’ project, a program that will support 60 businesses from Central America on their way to the European market.

Two hundred fifty businesses from the coffee, cacao, fresh fruit & vegetables and fish & seafood sectors have already applied for the program. From these businesses CBI will select, over the next few months, the companies with the most potential for economic growth and social impact. The project aims to achieve an additional 90 million euros in exports by the companies participating in the project. The first MOU to this effect was signed with Guatemala’s exporter association #AGEXPORT and the national coffee association #ANACAFE yesterday.

CBI’s mission is to contribute to sustainable economic development in developing countries through the expansion of exports from these countries. Our role as a knowledge broker is characterised by working closely with our network, and by our integrated approach to sustainable economic development. The signing of the MOUs is a good example of this.

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