European Tender for CBI Market Analysis Studies

We invite market research companies and professionals to participate in our tender for the CBI Market Analysis Studies.

Market intelligence

Market intelligence about the European market is an important service we offer our target audience of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developing countries. We connect SMEs from developing countries to the European market with the goal to stimulate sustainable economic development. Offering high quality market information is an essential tool in reaching this goal.  

Focus of the Market Analysis Studies

CBI Market Analysis Studies focuses on questions that require in large part an quantitative/ statistical approach, such as:

  • What is the demand on the European market?
  • What trends offer opportunities or pose a threat on the European market?

Maximum of 4 lots

Tenderers are invited to register for a maximum of 4 out of the following lots:

  1. Natural Ingredients (Natural Ingredients for Health Products, Natural Ingredients for Cosmetics, Natural Food Additives)
  2. Processed Agro Food (Processed Fruit and Vegetables and Edible Nuts, Spices and Herbs, Grains, Pulses and Oilseeds)
  3. Coffee and Cocoa
  4. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
  5. Fish and Seafood
  6. Tourism
  7. Outsourcing
  8. Apparel
  9. Home Decoration and Home Textiles

Each lot, depending on the number of sectors and the number of studies commissioned, represents an approximate value between € 100,000,- and € 400,000,-.

More information

For more information, please visit the CBI and TenderNed websites via the following links:


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