How hybrid working offers opportunities for service providers

Many people in Europe started hybrid working after the COVID-19 lockdowns. So, many companies are investing in hybrid workspace technology. This technology allows remote workers to communicate with colleagues  somewhere else, at the office, for example. Entering this market can boost service providers' business, especially when they offer technology with a human-centric design, the newest development in this sector.

The pandemic forced many people to work from home. When the lockdown periods ended, employees continued working from home but also went back to the office part of the time. That was the start of hybrid workspaces: places where remote workers can meet colleagues at the office or a different location. Hybrid workspaces created the demand for technology that supports workplaces at home and in offices.

What is hybrid workspace technology?

Hybrid workspace technology enables hybrid working, for example:

  • Office capacity management tools;
  • Cloud productivity tools;
  • Document management;
  • Communication platforms;
  • Video conferencing software;
  • Hybrid conference spaces;
  • Assimilative onboarding tools;
  • Mobile software; and
  • Workflow management tools.

Hybrid workspace technology connects working from home and the office, so it must support the processes and the user. Currently, the hybrid workspace market is moving from an office-centric design to a human-centric one.

Human-centric design

Human-centric hybrid workspace technology focuses on the user. Usability, design, interaction and flexibility are important for this technology. The newest technology also benefits employers because it can help improve productivity and employee satisfaction.

Opportunities for service providers

There are many opportunities for service providers to innovate and develop their products. Software developers, for example, can design their own hybrid workspace solutions. But there are also many opportunities to become a subcontractor.

Most opportunities are in European countries that:

  • Have embraced hybrid working;
  • Have a high level of digitisation;
  • Are relatively open towards outsourcing; and
  • Have economies with a relatively high office job percentage.

Examples of such countries are:

  • Austria;
  • Belgium;
  • Denmark;
  • Finland;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Ireland;
  • Italy;
  • Norway;
  • Portugal;
  • Spain;
  • Sweden; and
  • the United Kingdom (UK).

Read more about how to find buyers in the outsourcing sector and how to do business in the outsourcing sector.

Learn more

For more information about hybrid workspace technology, read our study on hybrid workspace technology. Also read our study on European market trends for the outsourcing sector.

Globally Cool wrote this news article for CBI.

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