Outsourcing industry finds new ways to connect

Most people and businesses have recovered from the initial shock of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, now is the time to start looking for new business opportunities in the European outsourcing market. COVID-19 changed the market. It also changed the most important channels to find new business. Intermediaries, events and Business Support Organisations (BSOs) all had to adapt to the new circumstances. These channels provide interesting opportunities for outsourcing companies that are ready to find new business in Europe.


For years, working with an intermediary has been one of the most efficient ways to enter the European market. Personal contacts and one-to-one selling are the most effective. Due to remote working and travel restrictions, many European companies had to switch to online meetings. This removed the main reason companies work with an intermediary: meeting in person.

Luckily, meeting online and selling online is effective, and has become more accepted. Currently, all European companies looking for a new outsourcing partner have to meet their potential partners online. This gives all companies in the process a more equal chance. The channel companies looking for an outsourcing partner are using does not make a difference in this case.


At the beginning of 2020, most events were cancelled or postponed. So, organisers came up with new and innovative ways to safely connect buyers and sellers. They offered online platforms for digital trade shows, introduced safety measures for physical events and combined these to create hybrid events. Eventbrite is an online event database. It allows you to browse through many online events for the outsourcing industry. This includes, for example, the Festival of Sourcing by GSA, the DeveloperWeek, and a big data event in March, organised by IE Africa.

Even if you have never attended an ITO/BPO event, this might be the perfect time for you to start. With an online event, you do not need the same amount of time and money you would if the event were live. Look around online to find events that suit your business. Go to BSO websites like IPD from Germany or SIPPO in Switzerland. Visit industry association websites like Outsourcing Verband from Germany or the global Contact Centre Association. Or look at event databases.

Initiatives by BSOs and industry associations

Industry associations have been a valuable source of information and contacts for a long time. They can help you find potential buyers and, in some cases, they can even help potential buyers find you. BSOs and industry associations are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the sector. They are a valuable source of information for both buyers and sellers of outsourcing products and services.

The Global Sourcing Association (GSA) launched a new YouTube channel that provides tips and tricks about selling. They also launched the GSA Partner Platform. It is the first open platform that publishes and ranks the performance of service providers. This platform allows you to promote your profile to a huge audience of potential customers. They also have a ‘Handling COVID-19’ series and very interesting panel discussions. These have lots of interaction and can lead to interesting business connections.

After the shock that followed the appearance of COVID-19, we can now say that the industry has found new ways to connect.

Reading tips

Do you want to learn more about how to enter the European outsourcing market? Read the CBI studies on how to find buyers and how to do business in the European IT and Business Process Outsourcing market.

Globally Cool B.V. wrote this news article for CBI.

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