Peruvian companies learn how CSR can help them in their export to Europe

CSR Training in Peru

Recently, the companies participating in the CBI Country Programme Peru attended their first training of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) module. CERES was contracted by CBI to take the companies on this CSR journey which started with an introductory e-course to ensure all companies were at the same level and understood the terms used. The companies liked the fact that the training was interactive and dynamic.  

The first training took place in Lima, Cusco and Huancayo. The companies from the natural ingredients, aquaculture, cacao and coffee sector participated together in the training where specific attention was paid to examples from these agro-sectors. The practical examples provided by the trainers were appreciated by the companies and the participants liked the methodology that was used during the training.

For the garments companies a separate training was organised, where CERES worked together with CBI consultant Serge Léon to address specific issues in their sector. Serge Léon had visited the companies the week before and was therefore able to relate the topics from the training to the reality of the companies that mostly work with alpaca wool and pima cotton. Mr. Léon addressed the issues of Health and Safety standards and ergonomics in the work place. Though there is always room for improvement, Mr. Léon was pleasantly surprised by the status of the health and safety  practices at the garment companies in Peru.

All companies have also started using the online CSR tool that CBI is piloting in Peru and Colombia to make the first steps in developing their own CSR action plans. Before the next training they will have completed their topic selection: indicating which CSR topics are important to their company and which are important issues in the sector. They will also finish their self-assessment on the selected topics.

This training allowed companies to see CSR and Sustainability issues as strategic for their companies. By managing their organisations with this perspective they can achieve differentiation and increased competitiveness in the market. The next trainings will take place starting on 11 November.  Stay tuned to learn more about the CSR developments in Peru!

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