Shrimps from Peru

Shrimps from Atisa, Peru

Thanks to CBI coaching a Peruvian shrimp producer is increasing its presence in Europe and becoming a more professional company in the process.

Based in Tumbes, Peru, Atisa farms vannamei shrimps of the highest quality and exports them to countries around the world. Sales Manager Patricia Matto jointly owns the company, which she co-founded with her husband in 1997. Atisa employs 50 people in its shrimp farm and, following a substantial investment earlier this year, it also opened a processing and freezing facility that employs a further 100 people. The shrimp larvae are cultivated in a hatchery in Ecuador and then imported into Peru where they are farmed to maturity, she explains.

Joint initiative
Atisa is currently participating in a CBI-led programme to increase the exports of Peruvian companies to Europe. A joint initiative of the Dutch and Peruvian governments, the programme covers sectors that include textiles, coffee and aquaculture. The programme started in 2014 and will conclude in 2018.

Increased exports
Matto is convinced that the coaching provided by CBI has already made her company more ordered and structured in its activities. “Our main export markets are in Spain, France and Korea. Thanks to this programme, exports to Europe have increased, perhaps by as much as 30 per cent. We have increased our client base in Spain and, as 2016 draws to a close, we aim to add potential clients in Belgium and Germany.”

Positive outcomes
As part of the programme Atisa visited trade fairs in Europe, such as Conxemar in Spain in 2015 and the Seafood Expo Belgium in 2016. These visits were arranged and supported by CBI expert John van Herwijnen and they had positive outcomes for Atisa. The visit to Conxemar, for example, resulted in a new Spanish client, and after attending the Seafood Expo in Brussels a Belgium prospect visited Atisa’s facility in Peru with a view to doing business with the company in future. 

On their toes
Matto explains that Van Herwijnen, who provides the necessary support and coaching during the programme, keeps her and her Atisa colleagues on their toes, but insists that it is a good thing. “He makes sure we meet deadlines for producing reports and plans, for example, but this only makes us better so that we can accomplish the goals we have set ourselves.”

More complete
The CBI coaching has helped to structure Atisa as a company, concludes Matto. “For example, we’ve learned how important it is to send and answer emails properly and how to address possible complaints. It has also highlighted the importance of making an export marketing plan and a long-term general plan. It has developed us as a company and made us more complete. We have followed courses previously that have shown us how to sell, but this programme has improved us as a core company. In addition to helping us increase sales and exports, it has shown us how to address issues such as corporate social responsibility and how to improve in many other respects too.”

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