A strong fit: PUM and CBI

PUM and CBI renewed their Statement of Cooperation. Both parties assist SME’s in developing countries and emerging markets and have been complementing each other for years by working through an integrated value chain approach - partnership. To achieve more impact through their cooperation, PUM and CBI will intensify their cooperation in joint project identification, development and implementation. Further cooperation will help to solve more problems in target countries and achieve better results.

PUM offers practical technical assistance to local entrepreneurs while CBI helps them prepare for export. In their renewed Statement of Cooperation, PUM and CBI state to further implement their cooperation in value chain projects in Zambia (tourism), Ethiopia (tourism and leather) and Jordan (apparel/leather). CBI and PUM will continue to share their knowledge and experience on various levels like Corporate Social Responsibility and monitoring and evaluation. Furthermore both parties will meet on regular basis to identify more opportunities for cooperation.

Both PUM and CBI are strong proponents of partnerships to create synergies and embed their work in programmatic frameworks. Especially with partners that embrace and promote private sector development in emerging markets around the world. In the context of the projects, CBI involves the export enabling environment, which includes among others governments, trade promotion organisations and business support organisations, to addresses issues that can’t be addressed on the SME level. These organisations are being helped to improve their services for exporters through capacity building. By working together, CBI and PUM are able to create a positive impact with our participants and in the sectors and countries we work in.

Zambia is primarily marketed as an ‘add on’ to a Southern Africa tour. Consequently, the average length of a leisure trip in Zambia is only four nights. Leisure tourism relies heavily on Victoria Falls and Zambia’s holiday tourism sector, including tour operators and accommodation, is focused around Livingstone and the Southern Province. PUM and CBI will work on widening the Zambian tourism offer the next five years. CBI will present the Zambian offer more effectively on EU generating markets and PUM will provide expertise that will improve the service quality levels in the industry in a sustainable way. The project aligns with the proposed interventions as described in the Zambia Tourism Master Plan (ZTMP) developed by the Ministry of Tourism and Arts (MOTA) in consultation with stakeholders. Dick Lubberhuizen is a PUM expert and already conducted a training in Zambia to strengthen the Zambian tourism sector. In cooperation with CBI, similar training courses will also be offered in other regions in Zambia (Kafue, Northern Circuit, Lusaka, Lower Zambezi).

About CBI: CBI contributes to sustainable and inclusive economic development in developing countries through the expansion of exports from these countries to Europe. www.cbi.eu

About PUM: PUM Netherlands senior experts is a volunteer organisation committed to the sustainable development of small and medium-size enterprises in developing countries and emerging markets. www.pum.nl

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