Metalworking Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam

The metalworking export coaching programme covers three sub-sectors: Industrial Products, Automotive Parts and Components, and Engineering. Europe does not have enough skilled labour in these sectors. This means there is a lot of potential for exporters from developing countries, especially in Engineering. The goal of the programme is to increase exports by more than €50 million.

Project details

All 56 companies in the programme have received extensive training from CBI. They have learned more about process control, costing and pricing and many other important topics. Our sector experts also visited each company regularly for coaching and technical assistance. The companies are now well-prepared for doing business in Europe.

Most of the companies in the programme are now active on the European market. They are exhibiting at different trade fairs, such as Hannover Messe and Automechanika in Germany. The Vietnamese companies are also receiving incoming trade missions from European buyers.

The metalworking programme in Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam started in 2012 and will end in 2016. However, the project in Vietnam has been extended with another year and will end in December 2017.

Project participants and products

A total of 56 companies are taking part in this export coaching programme:

  • 20 from Vietnam
  • 20 from Pakistan
  • 7 from the Philippines
  • 9 from Indonesia

Some are large companies, others are small businesses with no previous export experience.

Meet the participants

  • You can contact CBI to get in touch with our participants.
  • Another possibility is to meet participants at different European trade fairs. Contact CBI for details.


CBI developed this programme together with Business Support Organisations in Indonesia, Pakistan, the Philippines and Vietnam. We also work with Dutch partners.


Our main partner is SIDEC / Vietnam Manufacturing. SIDEC is a public-private initiative aimed at promoting exports among small and medium-sized enterprises.


In Pakistan we have several specialised partners: TDAP (Trade Development Authority of Pakistan), PAPAAM (Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories), SMEDA (Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development Auhtority) and EDB (Engineering Development Board).

The Philippines

MIRDC (Metals Industry Research and Development Center) is an agency of the government Department of Science and Technology. Our other partner in the Philippines is PhilExport, the Philippines Export Federation Inc., an exporters’ umbrella organisation.


In Indonesia our partner in this programme is the Ministry of Industry.

The Netherlands

In the Netherlands we work together with the Koninklijke Metaalunie and FME. The FME is a Dutch employers’ association that is working with CBI on organising trade missions to Vietnam.

The Asian counterparts have helped us set up training activities in their countries. Some of the organisations also come to European trade fairs together with the exporters.

Get involved as an importer

If you are a European importer, this programme offers you business opportunities. You can meet with potential suppliers who have been trained for export to Europe. You can also join a trade mission to one of the four Asian countries represented in this programme.

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