Apparel Tunisia

Do you have an apparel manufacturing business in Tunisia? Are you interested in expanding your business activities in the European market? The Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) can help you. If you want an improved market position in Europe, CBI's Apparel Tunisia project offers you good opportunities:

  • Find out which opportunities there are for your company in the European markets;
  • Learn more about European requirements, legislation and certification;
  • Learn everything you need to know to be a successful exporter;
  • Get assistance from our sector experts;
  • Exhibit at leading international trade fairs such as Apparel Sourcing or The Sourcing Connection in Paris.

Project details

European markets are moving away from fast fashion and towards ethically and sustainably produced apparel. One reason for this is the European Green Deal textile strategy. It states that textiles should be more durable, repairable, reusable and recyclable to tackle fast fashion, textile waste and the destruction of unsold textiles.

As a result, the European market for sustainable products is growing fast, offering good opportunities to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the apparel sector. Tunisia's unique and high-quality products, combined with its location, provide good opportunities. The Tunisian apparel sector already has a market share in Europe, especially in Italy and France. This CBI project aims to expand Tunisia's market share in other European countries and help Tunisian companies transition to sustainable production and circularity. The project also supports the transition to an inclusive sector while increasing exports.

What can you expect from this CBI project?

CBI offers technical assistance through a practical business export coaching project. This project is for Tunisian SMEs in the apparel sector. CBI prepares your company with the skills and knowledge you need to enter or expand your business in the European market.

The project includes:

  • Company coaching provided by an international and local specialist;
  • Help to create an international market strategy;
  • Advice on what certification is suitable for your market entry strategy;
  • Coaching on certification;
  • Help to improve your responsible business conduct;
  • A market orientation mission to Europe;
  • Participation in international trade fairs;
  • Training on specific topics such as international trade fair participation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).


Who can apply?

Country: Tunisia. Sector: Apparel.

You can apply for this project if your company meets these requirements:

  • Type of company:
    • 50 - 750 employees.
    • Manufacturer of apparel, home textiles or textiles.
    • At least 51% locally owned.
  • No joint venture with an organisation based in a non-developing country.
  • Management that can communicate in English. All activities will be in English.
  • No licensing commitments that prohibit or limit exports to Europe.
  • Competitive prices and sufficient production capacity.
  • Meets or is willing to meet the requirements of the European market.
  • Willing to focus on the European market for sustainable products.


What do we expect from you?

CBI is looking for ambitious and highly motivated SMEs that are:

  • Pro-active and flexible;
  • Fully committed to the activities and external coaching throughout the project;
  • Willing to pay for costs related to activities. For example, part of the costs for trade fair participation and sustainability activities. CBI and its partners do not cover the costs of travelling, lodging and sending in samples;
  • Willing to invest in improving CSR practices in their company;
  • Willing to take part with dedicated and qualified people during all CBI visits, workshops and training sessions;
  • Willing to invest time into the action plan made for their company;
  • Committed to investing in the necessary changes to become successful in the European market and increase sustainability. Changes may apply to staff allocation, your products, production and export marketing;
  • Willing to provide CBI and its partners with their company's name, logo and achievements for the promotion of the project;
  • Willing to inform CBI about the company's progress on export and sustainability. CBI will treat the provided information as confidential;
  • Ambitious and motivated to take the next step with their company.



You do not have to pay a fee to take part in this project. CBI will finance most project costs. Participants must pay for the following costs:

  • Flights and other travel expenses for European trade show activities.
  • Domestic travel and lodging expenses if training sessions are outside your city.



  • Ministry of Industry of Tunisia.



The deadline for completing the application form was 15 November 2023.

For questions or more information, please contact us at Please include 'Apparel Tunisia' in your email subject line.

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Programme Manager

Heidy van der Ploeg Ask your question

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