Cocoa Mano River Union

Agriculture is an important source of income in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Cocoa is one of these countries' cash crops. Yet, both countries in the Mano River Union have been heavily affected by the Ebola crisis and are among the least developed countries in the world. 

In 2019, the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) started the Cocoa Mano River Union project. It aimed to develop an inclusive and sustainable cocoa value chain in Sierra Leone and Liberia. This was done by supporting Sierra Leonean and Liberian cocoa exporters to help them become competitive in the European markets. 


In the course of the project, several activities took place to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in both countries: 

  • Providing technical assistance to SMEs in the cocoa sector in Liberia and Sierra Leone; 
  • Support to comply with European market standards; 
  • Help to build and maintain a network in the European high-end cocoa market; 
  • Help to develop an inclusive and sustainable cocoa value chain in both countries; 
  • Training focused on corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices, such as child labour awareness and women in cocoa networks. 



17 companies participated in this export coaching project: 10 SMEs in Liberia and 7 SMEs in Sierra Leone. All companies are active in the cocoa and cocoa products supply chain. 


We are proud to have achieved a change in the cocoa sector in Liberia and Sierra Leone during this 4-year project. The participating companies' enthusiasm was very inspiring. Many were eager to learn and improve and went beyond what we asked of them. This encouraged other participants to work hard and push forward. 

European importers now perceive Liberia and Sierra Leone differently. Also, more and more importers have become interested in premium cocoa from these countries. Both countries are moving to high-quality organic and sustainably grown cocoa. Most of the participants in our project have achieved organic certification. Many of them were able to ensure long-term relationships with speciality cocoa buyers in Europe. In particular, during the last exhibition at Biofach in Germany. 

Together with Solidaridad, we organised the Women in Cocoa and Chocolate (WINCC) event twice in both countries. Women from all positions in the value chain, from farmers to government officials, were able to meet. They could network, empower themselves, and enjoy and share their passion for cocoa and chocolate. 

Also, a quality lab was set up in Liberia. Here, cocoa can be tested, analysed, and even processed to chocolate. 

Moreover, we provided training on organic fertilisers, liquid and solid. Next to live training sessions, CBI produced a set of videos and translated these into local languages. We also provided child labour awareness training together with the International Cocoa Initiative (ICI).

Read participants' experiences of this project in this story.


Contact companies from this project

Are you a European importer interested in cocoa from companies in Liberia and Sierra Leone? Contact CBI to get more information or to meet with the suppliers from this project. 


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