Export Project Natural Ingredients Indonesia

Globally, consumer demand is growing for natural ingredients like seaweed, essential oils and plant extracts. These ingredients are used in food and cosmetic products. Indonesia is one of the biggest producers and exporters of natural ingredients. This industry provides an important source of income and employment for the country.

CBI, ministries, sector associations and the Import Promotion Desk (IPD) are working together to carry out a 5-year project. This project supports the sustainable economic transition of the Indonesian natural ingredients industry. The project will help the industry:

  • Develop new products;
  • Add value; and
  • Meet European Union (EU) buyer requirements, such as high quality and sustainability.

Programme Manager Marije Klomp adds, “Sustainability is important for CBI. We want companies to include social responsibility in every part of their business. With this project. we will support the sector, improve traceability and contribute to communities and the environment. It is very motivating to work with seaweed, as seaweed is a good source of CO2 absorption.”

The project

This project will provide:

  • Export coaching to SMEs through Indonesian and international export coaches;
  • Support to the Indonesian Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
  • Support to 4 sector associations.

Project partners

Project partners include:

We will also work with other partners to develop the natural ingredients sector in Indonesia. We will focus on enhancing sector collaboration and helping organisations improve and develop relevant trade services.

Project activities

During this project we will carry out activities that focus on:

  • Supporting sector collaboration;
  • Export coaching business cases;
  • Marketing and market access;
  • Policy and tool development for traceability and sustainability;
  • Business Support Organisation service delivery;
  • Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) and Novel Food; and
  • Research and development.

Project participants

29 companies are taking part in this business export coaching project.

Name of Company

Food sector


PT Indo Aneka Atsiri

PT Phytochmindo Reksa

PT Natura Laboratoria Prima

PT Industri Jamu Borobudur

Rumah Atsiri Indonesia

Cosmetics sector

PT Mitra Ayu Adi Pratama

PT Mignon Sista International

PT Pemalang Agro Wangi

PT Indosains Niaga Sejahtera

PT Aroma Atsiri Indonesia

PT Tharwa Barokah Abadi

PT MB Plus Agro

CV Pelangi Harum Nusantara

Seaweed sector

PT Algalindo Perdana

PT Galic Bina Mada

PT Buanatama Fajar Abadi

PT Java Biocolloid

PT Emerald Seaweed Indonesia

PT Agar Swallow

PT Kappa Carrageenan Nusantara

PT Hydrocolloid Indonesia

PT Rote karaginan Nusantara

PT Gumindo Perkasa Industri

PT Galic Artabahari

PT Surya Indoalgas

PT Amarta Carrageenan Indonesia

PT Indoflora Cipta Mandiri

Contact CBI to find out more about these exporters or to contact them.

Get involved as an importer

Are you a European importer interested in natural ingredients from Indonesia? Contact us to get more information or to meet with the suppliers in this project who are being trained to export to Europe.

Questions about this project

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Programme Manager

Marije Maessen-Klomp Ask your question

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