Fish and Seafood Senegal

Many European Union (EU) consumers are increasing their fish consumption. As a result, the European fish and seafood market offers great opportunities for suppliers. The quality of Senegalese fish is relatively high and the sector has the potential to improve its sustainability. This offers opportunities for the Senegalese fish and seafood sector. 

In 2019, the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) started the Fish and Seafood Senegal project with The Senegalese Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy and local partners. In this project, CBI coached Senegalese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to export sustainable fish to Europe. The activities focused on corporate social responsibility (CSR), sustainability certifications and traceability.

Project details

This project aimed to:

  • Improve the connection between exporters and the European market;
  • Strengthen collaboration within the chain;  
  • Improve the quality of fish processing and handling inside the factories and within the chain;
  • Add value and innovation to products and the value chain;
  • Support to set up a local sustainability label
  • Enable exporters to develop and apply Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plans to realise environmental and social improvements throughout the chain. 


Project participants and products

5 SMEs took part in this export coaching project. Yet, only 3 companies actively took part in all activities. These are: 



Partners in this project were: 

  • The Senegalese Ministry of Fisheries and Maritime Economy;
  • The Export Promotion Agency (ASEPEX);
  • The Association of Exporting Traders of Fish and Seafood (UPAMES); and
  • The Association of Shipowners and the Fishing Industry in Senegal (GAIPES). 



Because of the small number of active participants, it was unsure if the intended impact on the sector could be achieved. Also, within the project duration, developing a local certification label with the local CSR entity was not possible. 

Unfortunately, CBI decided to end this project before the planned date because of disappointing results. The Covid-19 pandemic had a large impact on the progress of the project and the participants. For example, restrictions in the European food and beverages sector caused them to focus on local markets. Also, some of the planned activities could not take place.

Still, several activities could take place (online): 

  • An online Market Orientation Mission (MOM); 
  • Business Export Coaching (BEC) on CSR basics and risks, online sales, digital marketing and branding; 
  • Development of individual CSR roadmaps;
  • Workshops on access to finance through collaboration with the banking and fish sectors; 
  • Development of a Sector Export Marketing Plan (SEMP) with the sector organisations. 

Even though European market entry activities could not take place, project participation resulted in growth in (regional) export numbers for most companies.

Get involved as an importer

Are you a European importer interested in fish and seafood products from companies in Senegal? Contact CBI to get more information or to meet with the suppliers from this project. 

More information

Senegalese fish business ready for success after CBI project

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Programme Manager

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