Fonio Guinea

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Are you involved in fonio production, processing and export in Guinea? With the official acceptance of fonio as a novel food in the European Union (EU), there are opportunities for export growth. Do you aspire to contribute to fonio producers' growth, promote higher-quality fonio products, and embrace sustainability in your operations? The Netherlands Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) can support you.

We are looking for participants to join our Fonio Guinea project. This project might transform the Guinean fonio industry and facilitate the process towards a more competitive and sustainable sector

Project  details

This CBI project aims to make the Guinean fonio sector more integrated and competitive. It started in 2023 and has an inception phase of 12 months. The project runs until December 2026.

The project's objectives are:

  • sector actors and stakeholders collaborate;
  • service providers deliver relevant services;
  • the volume of fonio processed by women's groups increases;
  • an increase in the average price/kg of fonio that buyers pay to the women's groups;
  • a qualitative increase in income of farmer households from fonio;
  • exporters export to higher-value markets in the region or in the EU;
  • export value and job creation targets are reached; and
  • importers increase their sourcing in Guinea.


What can you expect from participating

  • Tailor-made coaching and intensive training to enhance your capabilities;
  • Training aimed at improving fonio production techniques for high-quality fonio;
  • Expert guidance on certification and market-entry strategies;
  • Participation in international or regional trade fairs to showcase your products;
  • Assistance in improving responsible business conduct (RBC).


Main requirements

  • Participants are at least 51% locally owned;
  • Your organisation's management is able to communicate in French. And preferably also in English, or they express a willingness to learn;
  • Your organisation has 5 to 500 employees.

We are seeking proactive and committed participants who are ready to invest in their future. You will cover the costs related to your activities, actively engage with dedicated and qualified experts, and share your progress and information confidentially.

Why join us?

CBI's initiative is designed for ambitious and motivated participants, who are looking to take the next step towards sustainable growth in the fonio industry. If you want to:

  • increase your domestic sales,
  • export regionally,
  • enter the European or regional market,

this is your opportunity to make an impact.


Would you like to work with CBI to build a brighter future for fonio processing and export in Guinea? Join us in creating a thriving and sustainable sector.

If you have questions or need more information, please email us at

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Programme Manager

Femke Dekker Ask your question

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