Integrated Tourism Programme Latin America

This programme is aimed at the tourism sector in four Latin American countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Nicaragua and Suriname. The goal is to help these destinations attract more tourists from Europe, focusing specifically on tourists who are willing to spend more money. This will lead to more income and more employment.

CBI ran a tourism programme in this region before this one. The previous programme was meant to help individual tour operators attract more European customers. In the new programme we have taken a more integrated approach. The aim is to strengthen the entire tourism value chain in each of these countries. For example, we are:

  • Encouraging different public and private players in the tourism chain to collaborate more;
  • Improving the image and branding of these countries on the international market;
  • Helping each country to develop and diversify their offer, promoting special cities, regions and activities.

Project details

This programme began in 2012 and will end in 2017. We support the participating companies develop their export strategy, improve their product offer, websites and business skills, and enlarge their networks in international markets. In addition to this assistance to individual companies we have a special focus in each country.


In Suriname, 13 tourism companies are participating in an export coaching programme. At the same time we cooperate with the national tourism organization STS and support the founding of the Surinam Hospitality and Tourism Association. The role of this private sector organisation will be to lead the sector forward together with the various sector stakeholders.

The importance of tourism in Suriname’s economy has increased in recent years, but there is still a large unused potential.

Bolivia and Colombia

In Bolivia we have 15 companies in the export coaching programme and in Colombia 13. Both countries have a poor tourism image. For example, Colombia is still being regarded as unsafe by European tourists and they are not aware about what Bolivia and Colombia have to offer.

In both countries we have selected regions with a lot of potential for tourism. There we work with both the private sector and local authorities on developing the tourism possibilities and marketing them in international markets.


In Nicaragua 20 companies are in the export coaching programme. Here we focus on an increased cooperation between the private and public sector. Part of this is a development programme for INTUR, the national institute of tourism.

We are helping INTUR to improve their services to inbound tour operators that seek to export. This includes the offer of market information on and marketing and promotion activities in Europe.

Project participants and products

A total of 61 companies are taking part in this programme. They offer many different tourism products and experiences.

Meet the participants

  • You can contact CBI to get in touch with these exporters.
  • Another possibility is to meet these potential suppliers at the trade fairs we will attend with some of them in Europe. Contact CBI for more details.


Our partners in this programme include business support organisations and government trade and tourism promotion agencies in each country.





We also work with Travelife, a leading training, management and certification initiative for tourism companies committed to reach sustainability. All of the companies in this programme are members of Travelife and are working towards the Travelife Partner level.

Get involved as an importer

Are you a European importer interested in tourism in Latin America? If you are, you can contact CBI to get more information, or to meet with potential inbound tour operators who have been trained to serve incoming tourists from Europe.

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Programme Manager

Wim van Heumen Ask your question

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