IT Uganda

The overall purpose of the NTF IV programme is to increase the competitiveness of producers and exporters in selected sectors within priority developing countries, including the IT and IT Enabled Services` (ITES) sector in Uganda.

The NTF-IV programme is a collaboration between International Trade Center (ITC) and CBI.  ITC focusses on regional and other export markets, CBI has an exclusive focus on EU markets. ITC and CBI agreed that ITC will focus more on training, CBI more on additional coaching for potential exporters to the EU.

The principal objective of all stakeholders in the Ugandan IT & ITES industry is to foster an environment that will lead to the service providers’ successful development in serving the local, regional and international markets.

Focal points CBI programme 2019-2021

The programme will focus on reaching three outcomes:

  • Through direct technical support to 6 companies growth in export as well as growth in number of jobs is expected. The CBI coaching focusses on facilitating market entry into the European market.
  • An improved image of the IT sector in Uganda will help companies to have better access to foreign markets. The programme partners are currently developing a road map for a value proposition that can be used to promote the whole sector to Europe
  • Improved access to services leading to an improved access to the market and a growth in revenue for assisted companies.   Each supported partner is expected to develop and implemented one new service aimed at exporting IT-companies.

Project participants and products

A total of six companies are taking part in this export coaching programme.

Name of company

IT-ITES services

Cayman Consults

HR support services including call center helpdesk


Website development and SEO ( search engine optimisation), Varows (digital marketing and social media content)

Exquisite Solutions

Call center services

Munu Technologies

Call Center and Data Center services

Preg Tech

Technical support services and Software programming


Software Programming and Technical Support Services

You can contact CBI to find out more, or to get in touch with these exporters.

Another possibility is to meet these potential suppliers at the next international event they will attend in Europe in 2019 and 2020. For more information, contact CBI.


Throughout the programme CBI works in close connection to the NFT-IV programme that is being implemented by the International Trade Center.

The local partners for this programme are:

  • The National Information Technology Authority-Uganda (NITA-U) which under the general supervision of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), coordinates, promotes and monitors Information Technology(IT) developments in Uganda within the context of National Social and Economic development.
  • Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB) is the national focal point for export promotion and development. Their role is to help export of products and services out of Uganda. They offer support services to exporters in Uganda and foreign buyers including market information, assistance with entering and establishing in new export markets, business linkages, export product development and capacity building

Two private sector associations provide representation for their constituents:

  • ICT Association of Uganda (ICTAU), whose aim is to contribute to Uganda’s Technological development by bringing organisations and key ICT Stakeholders under one body capable of supporting ICT research and advocacy for projects and policies concerning adoption and usage of ICTs by the underserved and unreached in Uganda.
  • Alliance for Trade in Information-Technology and Services (ATIS) focuses on the non-traditional services development and export. The current coverage includes Information Technology (IT) products and services as well as all other IT Enabled Services (ITES)

Get involved as an importer

Are you a European importer interested in II-ITES from companies in Uganda? You can contact CBI to get more information or to meet with these suppliers who are being trained to export to Europe.

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Programme Manager

Rikke van Veen Ask your question

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