Processed Mangoes West Africa

Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali produce and export processed mangoes in large quantities. These countries sell more than 95% of exports on the European Union (EU) market. Yet, these countries are at risk of overproduction. This is because of rising supplies and diverse product quantity levels. 

Consumer demand for healthy and sustainable products is a strong driver of European Union (EU) market value for imported dried mango. So, sustainability and stable product quality are important success factors for processed mango producers from Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali. 

In 2020, the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries (CBI) started the Processed Mangoes project. It supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali. We help them to develop a stable product quality and diversify within the region. Also, we help them put in place certification and traceability mechanisms. Improving labour conditions for the many women employed in the sector is an important focus point of this project. 

Project goals 

  • Maintain the current EU market share of processed mangoes from Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire and Mali;
  • Increase the export of processed (especially dried) mangoes;
  • Professionalise the sector; 
  • Improve working conditions for women seasonal workers.


Project participants and products

17 dried mango companies are taking part in this export coaching project in Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire.

Burkina Faso 

Company name and website
Association Burkinabè Action Solidarité Femmes/Enfants (ABASF/E)
Association Poaline
Etablissement Barro Distribution et Frères (EBDF)
Faso Global Import Export (FGIE) 
Saveurs Tropicales
Société Coopérative avec Conseil d’Administration Coopérative Agricole du Kénédougou (SCOOP-CA COOPAKE)
Société Industrielle de Transformation de Fruits (SINTF)
SN Ranch du Koba 
l’Unité de Transformation et de Sechage des Fruits Tropicaux (UFTT)

Côte d'Ivoire

Company name and website
Ivoire Bio Fruits 
LA & Fruit 
Les Jardins de Koba 
Usine de Séchage de Mangue Ouangolodougou (USMO)
YAO Tropico

Contact CBI to find out more or contact these exporters.


  • Bundesverband des Deutschen Exporthandels e.V. (BDEx)
  • Import Promotion Desk (IPD)
  • Association Professionnelle des Exportateurs Mangue (APEMAB)
  • Association Interprofessionelle Mangue du Burkina (APROMAB)
  • APEX Burkina
  • Alliance Régional de la Mangue de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (ARMAO)
  • Interprofession Filière Mague du Mali (IFM)
  • Intermangue
  • Professionnels de la Transformation de la Mangue (PTRAMAB)
  • Union Nationale des Producteurs de Mangue du Burkina (UNPMB)



  • Participation and exhibition at European trade fairs;
  • Helping participating companies with developing a corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy;
  • Coaching companies in identifying and obtaining the right certifications for the targeted markets;
  • Coaching on improving labour conditions;
  • Capacity building on quality improvement, production management and business investment evaluation.


Get involved as an importer

Are you a European importer interested in processed mangoes from companies in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire or Mali? Contact CBI to get more information or to meet with suppliers in this project being trained to export to Europe.

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Programme Manager

Jeanette Scherpenzeel Ask your question

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