Home decoration project in Indonesia to help locals become successful exporters

CBI is currently working in Indonesia to develop local knowledge and skills. This will allow the home decoration sector there to carry out business export coaching projects.

CBI is working with a diverse team of sector stakeholders. These include:

  • The Indonesian Ministry of Trade;
  • The Indonesian Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy;
  • The Indonesian Ministry of Industry;
  • The Indonesian National Crafts Council (DEKRANAS);
  • The Indonesian Furniture and Craft Industry Association (HIMKI); and
  • Local consultants.

Local business export coaching project

Together, these organisations form a large project group. The stakeholders are working together to develop and start a Local Business Export Coaching project. This project will start with the selection of 35 home decoration SMEs. These businesses will be coached on how to become successful exporters to the European market.

CBI will train local business coaches and trainers. These will then work with the selected SMEs. After the first project is developed and carried out, the team will be able to carry out the next projects without extra help.

Informing as many SMEs as possible

Right now, the team is using many types of communication to let SMEs know about the project. The team has developed flyers and a video in Indonesian explaining the project.

CBI is proud to work with all the Indonesian stakeholders involved and make a difference despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

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