The Jordanian olive oil sector launches its united brand identity

Traditional farms, craftsmanship and high-quality products define the rich heritage of Jordanian olive oil. Over the last few years, oil demand has increased, and production technology has improved. So, the Jordanian olive oil sector wants to enter the international market. To do this, the sector has developed a united brand identity in collaboration with CBI branding and export specialists.

The Jordanian olive oil sector has a great chance to enter international markets. Olive oil is important for Jordan's national economy, explains Masanat Hiyari, a member of the National Agriculture Centre (NARC). A united brand identity helps to promote export and unites the sector so that it can achieve its goals faster. During a ceremony on 23 August 2022, the Minister of Agriculture, Khaled Al-Hanaifat, presented the new brand identity. 

By the sector, for the sector

Minister Khaled Al-Hanaifat says the new brand identity is an opportunity to introduce Jordan's olive oil to the world. The sector aims to enter international markets so it can grow. It works together:

  • to support Jordanian socio-economic development;
  • for strategic advantage; 
  • for greater export capacity;
  • to raise the quality standard of its oil; and
  • to improve sustainable production.

Private and public sector companies worked together during a series of CBI workshops to design brand identities. "It is unique that this brand has been developed by the sector, for the sector, " says Fayyad Al-Zayoud, Chairman of the Jordan Olive Products Exporters Association (JOPEA). 

The Jordanian olive oil brand identity 

The brand identity represents the national olive oil industry and other relevant stakeholders. "We are very proud of the result. This brand truly shows the identity of Jordan and its olive oil sector. And it includes our 7-pointed star," adds Nidal Samain, Chairman of Jordan Olive Oil Mills and Producer Syndicate Zaytouna. The brand logo and colour are designed to stand out in the international oil market. Gold looks luxurious and symbolises the colour of olive oil. This brand identity can help promote Jordanian olive oil as a high-quality product in international markets. 

The international future of Jordanian olive oil

Jordanian olive oil brand identity

Next to the new brand identity, the Jordanian olive oil sector is working on a website to promote its products on the international market. Also, in June, Jordan hosted International Olive Oil World in Amman. "Jordan is also the chair of the International Olive Council for the year 2022," remarks Ussama Kattan, Director of the Olive Directorate within the Ministry of Agriculture. 

In October, a group of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and people from the sector will visit the industry fair SIAL in Paris for a market orientation mission. There, they will also launch the brand identity to international audiences.

Find out more

Read more about the Olive Oil Jordan project.

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