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EU Market Research - Bangladesh, Ghana & Indonesia home decoration & home textiles

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The following product groups per supplier country were selected for this study:


  • Basketry

  • Rugs and mats

  • Decorative home textiles

  • Shopping bags and totes


  • Basketry

  • Wooden home accessories

  • Home accessories made of other materials


  • Small wooden and rattan furniture

  • Basketry

  • Cushion covers and throws

The focus is on handmade products of natural and/or recycled materials, as there is an increased interest in these materials on the European market. These products are particularly suitable for the European mid-market segments, up to the premium segments in some cases. Key distribution channels are importers/wholesalers (varying from specialists to those with a general lifestyle concept), as well as various types of importing retailers.

Both industry experts and importers agree that European demand for ethically made products is on the rise. Consumers are increasingly interested in the story behind the items they buy. For mainstream buyers, however, looks and price continue to be the deciding factors, along with product quality, of course. The socially responsible background of the products and their producer can add value, but first and foremost the proposition of the items in terms of quality, material, design, etc. has to be strong.

Each country has its own specialties and challenges, but they all have a strong tradition of handmade home  decoration products. Combining traditional styles and techniques with contemporary designs can create interesting and unique items. Producers and importers often work together to co-create suitable designs for the European market.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) certification can add value, but is usually not a must on the European market, even for importers with a fair trade or eco-friendly concept. Many smaller-scale producers cannot afford certification, because the costs of applying and sometimes additional membership fees are disproportionately high for their business.

The most important areas the CBI could set up interventions for include:

  • Positioning
  • Design
  • Marketing
  • CSR

If ethically responsible producers in Bangladesh, Ghana and Indonesia can meet European importers’ needs, a flourishing market awaits.