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The European market potential for table olives

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In the long term, the European market for table olives is expected to show a stable growth of 4–5% over the next five years. This growth is mostly driven by changes in the consumption patterns of European consumers, like the rising interest in healthier cooking and the Mediterranean diet. The best opportunities for developing country suppliers can be found in Italy, France, Germany, the United Kingdom Romania and Belgium.

1. Product description

Table olives are fruits of the olive tree (Olea europaea L.), which are treated to remove their bitterness. To make olives edible, it is important to remove some or all of the oleuropein, a phenolic bitter compound that they contain. This process is called ‘debittering’, and afterwards table olives are preserved and packed with or without covering liquid.

There are several ways to produce table olives, and some methods are typical for specific producing regions. However, Spanish, Sicilian, Greek or Californian styles do not indicate origin, but different processing methods. Table olive production typically includes the following main processes:

  1. Harvesting – Olives are picked from the trees in different stages of maturity: either as green, just turning colour or fully ripe. They are harvested by hand or by specialised harvesting machines. Green olives are preferably picked by hand, as machine harvesting leaves bruises on the olive skin. If harvesting machines are used, skin damage can be minimised by placing the olives into a lye solution immediately after they are removed from the trees.
  2. Debittering – The main types of bitterness removal are treatment with lye (sodium or potassium hydroxide), using brine (a salt solution) and rinsing in water. Some olives can lose their bitterness naturally, because as they ripen, they sweeten right on the tree. Treatment with lye is more preferred for green olives because lye can extract colour from ripe olives. Brine and rinsing in water are more preferred for ripe olives, but brine and water cannot completely remove the bitterness from olives.
  3. Preservation Lactic fermentation occurs when olives are placed in brine, so debittering and fermenting can be the same processing step. If water rinsing or lye is used, then fermentation in brine is a separate step. Olives can also be preserved with dry salt instead of a brine solution. A method used in California and North Africa is to treat green olives with lye and place them in aerated brine. Oxygen will then turn the olives black. However, this process sterilises the olives, and does not involve fermentation.
  4. Final processing and packaging – After debittering and preserving, table olives can be packed whole, with the stones removed, or sliced. Destoned olives can be stuffed with different fillings. Inside the packaging, table olives are typically covered with brine, but they can be sold dry if they are dehydrated or preserved with dry salt. Brine liquid can be the filtered salt solution used for curing, but it may contain other ingredients such as spices, herbs and vinegar.

The total worldwide production of table olives reached more than 3.1 million tonnes in 2020, with around 30% produced in Europe. Within Europe, Spain is the leading producer, followed by Greece and Italy. The leading non-European producer is Egypt, followed by Turkey, Algeria and Morocco. Less than 10% of all harvested olives in the world are used as table olives. The remaining olives – more than 90% – are processed into olive oil.

This study covers general information regarding the market for table olives in Europe, which may interest producers in developing countries. When ‘Europe’ is referred to in this report, it means the 27 member states of the European Union, plus the United Kingdom (UK), Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland.

When ‘table olives’ are referred to in this survey, statistics involve the product under official EU nomenclature number 20057000 - Olives prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen. There are other statistical codes related to olive trade and processing, such as for fresh olives, frozen olives, provisionally preserved olives not suitable for immediate consumption, and olives preserved by vinegar or acetic acid. Those codes are not used for the main statistical analysis, but they are taken into account when relevant.

2. What makes Europe an interesting market for table olives?

Europe is the largest importing region of table olives in the world, accounting for around half of the total global imports. European imports of table olives have increased at a stable rate in the 2016–2020 period. Although most of these table olives are produced in Europe, almost all imports from outside of Europe come from developing countries.

The European demand for table olives is stable, but import quantities sometimes fluctuate due to variable production in the main supplying countries. Regular fluctuations in imports will continue to be influenced by the olive crops and price situation, rather than by changes in demand.

Import characteristics

Since 2016, the European import of table olives has increased in value at an average annual rate of 5.6%, reaching €854 million in 2020. Over the same period, import quantities increased at a slightly lower average annual rate of 4%, reaching 516 thousand tonnes in 2020. This difference between the growth rates in value and quantity indicates an increase in import prices. The prices increased mostly in 2020 because of the lower production in Europe in the 2019/2020 season.

European countries import most of their table olives from other European countries (intra-European trade). Less than 30% of Europe’s imports of table olives comes from developing countries. Most imports from developing countries are bulk-packed table olives, which are repacked before selling them to the final consumers. Some of the olives are also traded between producing countries, to supplement domestic production. This is the case with Italy, which is the third-largest producer in Europe, but also the leading European importer.

The leading European importer is Italy with a 17% import share, closely followed by France (16%) and Germany (14%). During the past five years, almost all European countries experienced stable import growth until 2019. However, European imports of table olives decreased in 2020, mainly because European production of table olives decreased by 90 thousand tonnes in the 2019/2020 season.

Consumption characteristics

European table olive consumption in 2020/2021 was estimated at 595 thousand tonnes, which is approximately 20% of the total worldwide consumption. The food service and food processing industries account for the largest share of total consumption, as table olives are a common ingredient in fast food and Mediterranean dishes (especially Italian dishes and Spanish dishes). In 2020 and 2021, the share of retail sales increased, due to the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, as many restaurants were forced to close due to lockdown measures.

The leading European consumer of table olives is Spain, with a 31% share in 2020, followed by Italy (17%), France (12%) and Germany (8%). The total European consumption slightly increased over the past 5 years, at an annual rate of 1%. Among the leading consuming countries, consumption in Italy increased the most (from 85 thousand tonnes in 2016 to 103 thousand tonnes in 2020), but with regular yearly fluctuations.

Over the next five years, the European market for table olives is likely to increase at an annual growth rate of 2%–3%. The expected consumption growth is related to the health benefits of olive consumption and the popularity of the Mediterranean diet. The largest per capita consumer of table olives in Europe is Cyprus, with 4.4 kg per year, followed by Spain (4.1 kg). Among the countries that do not produce olives, the largest per capita consumer is Luxembourg (2.7 kg), followed by Bulgaria (1.8 kg), Belgium (1.5 kg), Romania (1.4 kg) and Sweden (0.9 kg).

Consumption characteristics are different depending on the market. Generally, olives are used more as an ingredient in dishes than they are consumed as snacks. However, in Mediterranean countries, snacks are more popular than in the rest of Europe. In producing countries, olives are consumed as snacks, such as ”tapas” in Spain, “antipasti” in Italy or “meze” in Greece. Also, in Europe, the snack market is growing with many product innovations (e.g. Olly’s in the UK).

It is estimated that roughly 60% of olives are consumed by the foodservice sector (out-of-home) and that the remaining 40% is sold in the retail segment. Green olives have a larger market share than black olives.

3. Which European countries offer most opportunities for table olives exporters?

Exporters from developing countries may find opportunities in large and growing European markets such as Italy, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Romania, Belgium and the Netherlands. Spain and Italy, both table olive producers, are among the leading consumer markets. However, Italy seems more attractive for suppliers from developing countries than Spain. Italy’s imports of table olives are 3 to 5 times larger than its exports. Spain, on the other hand, exports 20 times more than it imports.

The markets discussed below are selected because they consume the largest quantities of table olives imported from developing countries. However, this selection of attractive markets is not final. There are other European markets that also provide opportunities for suppliers from developing countries, but they are not discussed in detail in order to focus on the largest consumers.

Note: France is listed as a non-producing country above for convenience. In fact, France does produce table olives, but not enough to meet its own internal market needs. Less than 1% of table olives consumed in France is locally produced and more than 99% is imported.

Italy: the leading European importer

Italy is the leading European importer of table olives. Since 2016, Italian imports of table olives have been increasing at an annual rate of 4%, reaching 85 thousand tonnes in 2020. More than half (54%) of this is sourced from Spain, followed by Greece (32%), Morocco (7%) and Egypt (4%). Among the emerging suppliers, Turkey is gaining market share, increasing its supply to Italy from just 13 tonnes in 2016 to nearly 600 tonnes in 2020.

In addition to the import of table olives, Italy also imports fresh olives, which are processed after import. In 2020, Italy imported almost 6 thousand tonnes of fresh olives, mostly from Greece, followed by Spain. Italy also imported more than 5 thousand tonnes of provisionally preserved olives not suitable for immediate consumption, mostly from Spain, followed by Egypt.

Most imported table olives in Italy are used as an ingredient in the foodservice segment. Pizza restaurants are famously heavy users of table olives, but they are used as an ingredient in many other Italian dishes too. Table olives are also used as snacks without further preparation or as the main ingredient in some dishes such as Oliveall'ascolana – an Italian appetiser of fried olives stuffed with meat.

Many table olives in Italy are sold as private labels. The leading private labels are those of retail chains Conad, Coop, Selex Group, Esselunga, Carrefour and Eurospin. Some of the largest suppliers of retail chains with private labels and their own labels are Neri, Iposea, Inpa, Madama Oliva, Valbona (acquired by Polli in 2019), Coelsanus, Saclà and Frantorio di Sant’Agata. Several of these companies use imported table olives as well as Italian olives. In 2021, the famous olive oil producer Monini started with the production of organic table olives too.

When targeting the Italian market, be aware of the local competition as Italy is the third-largest producer of table olives in Europe. Sicily and Puglia are the largest producing regions, accounting for 75% of the national production.

Table olives in Italy are processed in several ways. Some of the traditional local methods include Castelvetrano, Itrana, Scabecciu, Ferrandina, Strinate and Passuluna. Examples of Italian table olives exporters are Ciro Velleca (brand Vittoria), Cirillo Group,f Ital Carciofi, Citres, Cannone, Fratepietro, Dillilo, La Rocca and Colavita.

Figure 5: Example of private label table olives in Italy

Example of private label table olives in Italy

Photo by kiliweb per Open Food Facts 

Figure 6: Italian brand of Cerignola olives

Italian brand of Cerignola olive

Photo by telperion87 per Open Food Facts

Italy is home to four table olive varieties with a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). A famous variety is Bella di Cerignola, known as the largest table olive in the world, protected under the PDO name La Bella della Daunia. Other famous PDO table olives include Nocellara del Belice, Oliva Ascolana del Piceno and Oliva di Gaeta. In Sicily, Nocellara del Belice is processed with the specific Castelvetrano method. This involves placing green olives in lye followed by the addition of salt and several days of curing. This method is time efficient and it preserves the green colour, but the shelf life is only a few months.


France: high imports, but proud of small local production

France imports almost the same quantities of table olives as Italy. Since 2016, French imports of table olives have increased at an annual rate of 1%, reaching 84.5 thousand tonnes in 2020. Most of the quantities were imported from Morocco (48%), followed by Spain (41%), Belgium (4%), Egypt (3%) and Greece (2%). Egypt is the fastest growing supplier. French imports from Egypt increased more than fivefold over the past 5 years, from 388 tonnes in 2016 to 2.1 thousand tonnes in 2020.

Import prices of Spanish table olives in France are significantly higher than those of Moroccan olives. The average import price of Spanish table olives in 2020 was €1600 per tonne, while the price from Morocco was €1200 per tonne. One of the reasons for this price difference is that there are more retail-packed (value added) olives imported from Spain. Most of the Moroccan olives are imported in bulk packaging and repacked in France. However, regardless of origin, most table olives consumed in France are imported in bulk packaging.

The consumption of table olives in France is increasing, and it reached 71 thousand tonnes in 2020. French annual per capita consumption is 1.1 kg. Consumption growth is driven by the popularity of a healthier lifestyle. Olives are a very popular ingredient in French cuisine. The most famous French olive-based dish is tapenade, a spread originally made of olives, capers and anchovies, but nowadays there are many other variations. Another famous dish is salade niçoise, which is traditionally made with Cailletier olives.

France also produces table olives, but at 1.2 thousand tonnes, its production is not sufficient for the domestic market. The leading production region is Occitanie, where mostly green olives are processed. The second-largest region is Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, where mostly black olives are processed. The Picholine variety is the leading variety used to produce green table olives, while black olives are mostly made from the Tanche, Cailletier and Grossane varieties. Despite its limited production, France has 5 PDO table olive types.

Around 60% of table olives in France are sold through the foodservice segment, while the remaining 40% are sold through retailers. Green olives are the most popular among consumers and represent 70% of the total consumption. French consumers are looking for convenience, which is reflected in the prevalence of pitted olives over whole olives. Many table olives are sold as non-branded from the fresh counters in supermarkets. A large marketplace for import and wholesale of table olives is Rungis International Market.

Most of the packed products are sold as private labels of the leading retail chains such as Carrefour, Leclerc, Intermarché and Auchan. Independent brands include Tramier (owned by Borges International Group), Crespo (by Comolive), Delieuze (by Brousse Vergez produced in Morocco), Menguy's, Barral, Barnier Olives and several others.

Figure 7: Carrefour private label of green pitted olives in France

Carrefour private label of green pitted olives in France

Source: org-carrefour per Open Food Facts

Figure 8: Tramier brand of black olives

Tramier brand of black olives

Source: kiliweb per Open Food Facts


  • Search the members database of the FEDALIM food cluster for contact details of table olive importers in France (in French). Click on “adherents” and then select “olives” in the drop-down menu under “Rechercher par produits”.
  • Visit the website of France Olive, the French olive interprofessional association (formerly AFIDOL, in French) to learn more about the French olive industry.

Germany: leading market for organic table olives in Europe

German imports of table olives have increased at an annual rate of 1% since 2016, reaching 74 thousand tonnes in 2020. Spain is the leading supplier with a 49% share, followed by Greece (24%), Turkey (13%) and Italy (4%). Germany is the largest market for Turkish table olive suppliers, due to the presence of a Turkish diaspora of more than 7 million and a well-developed line of supply through ethnic supermarkets. Among the emerging suppliers, Egypt is gaining market share the fastest. German import from Egypt increased from 111 tonnes in 2016 to 811 tonnes in 2020.

Most of the table olives sold in Germany are sold under private labels, such as Baresa (by Lidl), Gartenkrone (by Aldi Süd), Casa Morando and GutBio (by Aldi Nord), Aro (by Metro Cash & Carry), REWE Beste Wahl, REWE Feine Welt and  REWE Bio (by REWE), and Edeka and Gut&Günstig (by Edeka). The leading independent brand is Feinkost Dittmann. There are several other brands, such as Theodor Kattus, Gaea (Greek brand), Krini or Adria (by Paul M. Müller). Significant quantities are also sold through Turkish supermarkets under private labels (such as Marmara) or with own brands (such as Ikram).

As the largest market in Europe for organic products, Germany provides opportunities for suppliers of organic table olives. Many organic table olives in Germany are sold under the private label brands of specialised organic retailers, such as Bio Markt, Alnatura, Basic, Bio Company, ebl-Naturkost and Super Biomarkt. Leading retail chains also have their own organic private labels. New suppliers should be aware that Germany is a very price-competitive market and many organic brands do not have significantly higher prices than conventional table olives.

Figure 9: REWE private label of green pitted olives in Germany

REWE private label of green pitted olives in Germany

Source: predatorix per Open Food Facts

Figure 10: Feinkos Dittman brand of olives stuffed with sardine crème

Feinkos Dittman brand of olives stuffed with sardine crème

Source: gourmet per Open Food Facts

Some of the leading table olive traders in Germany are Clama, Henry Lamotte, Heinrich Kühlmann, Optima Feinkost and Matithor. These companies are involved in a wide range of trading activities. Some are specialised in the trade of bulk-packed olives, some import olives in bulk packaging and further process and repack them, while others are engaged in subcontracting operations and import already packed and branded products from producing countries.

Many table olives in Germany are sold unpacked, at the fresh corners of supermarkets and on street markets. There are many specialised street sellers of table olives in Germany. Those street sellers are usually supplied with olives from wholesalers, but often they additionally process them to make delicatessen products. Some also provide catering services. Just for illustration, some examples are Oliveto, Oliven + Öl Compagnie, Die Olive – Feinkost & Mehr, Der Olivenstand and Die Olive.


  • Search the list of members of the Waren-Verein (German trade association) for contact details of German table olive traders.

The United Kingdom: domination of private label

The UK’s imports of table olives exceeded 34 thousand tonnes in 2020, at a value of €65 million. Between 2016 and 2020, imports increased annually by 5% in volume and by 4% in value. More than half (53%) of this is imported from Spain, followed by Greece (22%), Italy (8%), Morocco (5%) and Turkey (5%). Among the emerging suppliers, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon are increasing their exports to the UK, but still with very small market shares of 1%.

The consumption of table olives in the UK is steadily increasing, reaching 34 thousand tonnes in 2020 or 0.6 kg per capita. The increasing consumption of table olives is driven by the popularity of the Mediterranean diet. For example, the International Foundation of Mediterranean Diet is headquartered in the UK (London). The offer of table olives is wide and includes not only different varieties, but also olives prepared with different spices, marinades and stuffing. Popular varieties are Manzanilla, Gordal, Hojiblanca, Kalamata, Halkidiki, Nocellara del Belice and Bella Di Cerignola.

Most of the table olives in the UK are sold as private labels of the retail chains, such as Tesco, Sainsbury's, ASDA and Morrisons. Independent brands of table olives on the UK market are often foreign brands. Examples are Crespo (Spanish brand distributed by RH Amar), Cypressa, Fragata (Spanish brand), Perello (Spanish brand), Gaea (Greek brand), Epicure, Jamie Oliver (by Viva Foods) and The Real Olive Company. Many table olives are sold as unbranded in delicatessen corners of supermarkets and food halls, in a wide range of marinades and stuffings.

Some of the importers and traders of table olives in the UK include RH Amar, Gima, Mansora, Medfood and Village Quality Products. A few large producers have their own subsidiaries in the UK, such as the Spanish company Angel Camacho. Many UK importers of table olives are specialised in the import of ethnic food.


Romania: Greek and Turkish supply dominate the market

Romanian table olive imports have been increasing at an annual rate of 4%, reaching 38 thousand tonnes valued at €48 million in 2020. The leading supplier of table olives to Romania is Greece with a 38% share, followed by Turkey (37%), Egypt (11%) and Spain (3%). Among the leading suppliers, Turkey is gaining market share at the fastest rate. Romanian import from Turkey has increased from 8 thousand tonnes in 2016 to more than 13 thousand in 2020. It is expected that in 2021, Turkey will overtake Greece and become the leading Romanian supplier.

Romanian consumption of table olives reached more than 30 thousand tonnes in 2020, and a per capita consumption of 1.4 kg. Most of the table olives are sold as private labels of the leading retail chains such as Lidl, Kaufland, Carrefour, Profi and others. Beyond private labels, most widely available brands are from Greek companies. Repacking and processing activities are not very developed in Romania, and most of the brands are imported already packed. Table olives are also imported unbranded and sold unpacked in fresh corners of supermarkets.

Greek brands include Latrovalis, Xenia, Kaloudi, Carpos, Iliada and several others. Turkish brands include Eker, Defne (with authorized distributor in Romania), Ece and several others. Some importers of table olives in Romania import table olives from different origins (such as Yunus or Olivina) while others are focused on single origin such as Greek (e.g. Horti Primex or Munthe Athos) or Turkish (such as Defne). An example of a local brand comes from the canned-food producer Devero Impex. The company owns the brand Roddson, which includes a range of Greek olives.

International retail chains in Romania commonly import table olives directly from the producing countries without intermediaries. This import is usually centrally arranged and the company that wins the tender supplies the retail chain in several countries. Aside from retail chains, small quantities are sold in specialty stores (such as Gourmetteria Sapori). Online retail is mostly part of the existing retail chains, but there is a small market for specialised online retailers such as Olive Tree.


Belgium: increasing imports

Belgian imports of table olives increased at an average annual rate of 6%, reaching 27 thousand tonnes in 2020, valued at €54 million. Belgium is the sixth leading European importer after Romania, but in value terms Belgium is ranked fifth. The reason for this is that Belgium imports significant quantities of packed value-added brands from the Netherlands, which influences the average import price. The leading supplier of table olives to Belgium is Greece with a 46% share, followed by Morocco (27%) and Spain (12%).

The consumption of table olives in Belgium in 2020 was 16.7 tonnes. Per capita consumption is 1.5 kg. Local consumption is much smaller than import, as Belgium processes, packs and re-exports significant quantities of table olives. In 2020, Belgium exported 6000 tonnes, mostly to the Netherlands and Luxembourg.

A large share of table olives in Belgium is sold under private labels by retail chains, such as Colruyt (Boni, Boni Bio and Everyday), Delhaize (Delhaize and 365), Carrefour (Carrefour), Aldi, Lidl and Makro. Retail chain Makro has special lines of products (including olives) for the foodservice segment, named Horeca Select. Independent brands include Père Olive (Belgian), Karras (Belgian), Crespo (Spanish), Sacla (Italian), Carbonell (Spanish) and Brindolive (of Moroccan origin, supplied by specialised ethnic importer Mia International).


  • Search the Belgian food company directory food.be to find potential importers and processors of table olives in Belgium.

The growing consumer interest in table olives in Europe is driven by a combination of several factors: the growing popularity of the Mediterranean diet, sustainability, healthy snacking and convenience.

To find out more about general sector trends, read our study about Trends in the European Processed Fruit and Vegetables Market.

Healthier eating trend and popularity of Mediterranean food

Table olives enjoy a good reputation among consumers in Europe. They are an integral part of the Mediterranean diet. Several studies indicate that a Mediterranean diet can help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, overall cancer incidence, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, and early death. According to a World Health Organisation report (pdf), several European countries have already included the Mediterranean diet in their official national dietary guidelines.

In addition to the perceived health benefits of consuming table olives, the rising popularity of food dishes that use table olives also help drive consumption. These dishes often come from Southern-European cuisines, such as Italian, Spanish and French, but also from Middle Eastern and North African cuisines. Mediterranean dishes and table olives are also promoted by many celebrity chefs, as well as TV cooking and travel shows across Europe.

Several European Commission projects also promote the Mediterranean diet and table olive consumption, including MedDiet, the Mediterranean Diet Virtual Museum and MedEat Research. Other organisations promoting Mediterranean food include the Mediterranean Diet Foundation in Barcelona, and the International Foundation of Mediterranean Diet in London.

Several national associations constantly invest in the promotion of table olives in Europe and abroad. The European Union also supports the consumption of table olives through specialised projects such as Olive you (Greek funded project) or Have and Olive Day (Spanish funded project). The European Union has also funded the PROBIOLIVES project, which aims to increase the competitiveness of table olive producers by introducing table olives containing probiotic bacteria without altering the quality characteristics of fermented olives.

Sustainably produced olives

Sustainability has become one of the most important topics on the official European agenda. The European Union has implemented a set of policies and actions called the European Green Deal. The aim of this Green Deal is to make the European economy more sustainable and climate neutral by 2050. The action plan also includes a Farm to Fork Strategy aimed at making food systems fairer, healthier and more environmentally friendly.

Responsible and sustainable business and fair treatment of all people in the supply chain are becoming increasingly important. To encourage companies to take better care of human rights and environmental impacts in their supply chains, the European Union announced mandatory legislation on due diligence in March 2021.

It is known that an olive tree captures more CO2 than it emits, therefore reducing carbon emissions. Still, this does not mean that the production process of table olives is always carbon neutral, as it depends on agricultural techniques, processing technology and packaging. To support sustainable olive production, the EU funded the project olive4climate to increase the implementation of best practices and reduce the climate impact. The project established a Standard for carbon credits certification (pdf) generated from the sustainable management of olive groves.

Another project that focuses specifically on sustainable table olive production is Life Soliva. The aim of the project is to increase the efficiency of the use of resources in table olive production: recovering 30% of salts and 50% of polyphenols, and reusing 65% of water and 95% of wastewater discharge. Also, the project aims to provide recommendations for the updating of wastewater treatment legislation.

Sustainability support projects are also ongoing outside Europe. For example, in the Al Haouz province of Morocco, farmers have adopted techniques to adapt to climate change and the results are paying off. The land has improved, yields and earnings have increased, and brighter employment opportunities have reduced rural-to-urban migration.

Convenience and new flavours

The healthy snacking trend is continuing in 2021. It is estimated that the healthy snacking market will grow at an annual rate of 6% until 2025. Although edible nuts benefited most from the healthy snacking trends, market innovations created many new snacking products including snack olives. Snack olives are usually packed in “grab and go” convenient packaging such as stand-up pouches. For convenience, snack olives are packed without liquid, and the range of flavours is increasing.

The popularity of table olives that are marinated or stuffed with aromatic ingredients is on the rise. The taste of olives is adjusted to consumer preferences by using different types of brines and stuffing. Some supermarkets are even introducing self-service olive bars. This trend provides opportunities for suppliers of destoned olives and olives stuffed with different ingredients. To support innovation and the quality of table olives, the London International Table Olives Competitions is awarding the best quality table olives. In 2021, platinum awards were given to several marinated or stuffed products, such as:

  • Olives with garlic, red pepper strips and crushed bay leaf by Greek company Medbest.
  • Olives snack bites mixed with herbs by Greek company Agrovim.
  • Olives stuffed with minced pimientos by Spanish company Goya.
  • Olives stuffed with serrano ham by Spanish company Goya
  • Olives stuffed with minced smoked salmon by Spanish company Goya

Figure 11: Olymp Snack olives (by Konstantopoulos SA)

Olymp Snack olives (by Konstantopoulos SA)

Source: Autentika Global


Participate in international competitions if you aim to place your table olives in the premium segment. You can find a list of award-winning table olives from international competitions at the London International Table Olives Competition.

This study was carried out on behalf of CBI by Autentika Global.

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