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6 tips on how to become more socially responsible in the processed fruit and vegetables and edible nuts sector

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Demand for processed fruit, vegetables and nuts in Europe is rising. Buyers in Europe are including social responsibility in their requirements. Suppliers will find it easier to attract buyers if they support the well-being of workers and local communities. The specific tips below will help you become more socially responsible and stand out to potential buyers. 

1. Reflect consumer values through social responsibility and sustainable practices

The European market is becoming increasingly competitive. Consumers are faced with ever more products. As a result, European consumers often look for products made by companies that mirror their own values. 

However, a November 2023 Ipsos Global Trends 2023 report update (PDF) warned of “troubling negative shifts” for businesses and societies. People are focusing more on price than on choosing brands that align with their values. This year’s update marks the first time in a decade that the share of consumers in 31 markets who say they tend to buy brands reflecting their personal values has dropped. According to Ipsos, this drop ranges from three percentage points (down to 57%) in Great Britain to nine points (to 52%) in France.

While values-based brands appeal to people across different groups, such preference is strongest among people with high education levels and higher incomes. Exporters should explore the most cost-effective ways to implement sustainable practices without significantly increasing their product prices. 

For example, instead of opting for a costly third-party certification, you can start by voluntarily following a common corporate social responsibility (CSR) standard. While the Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) may be too expensive for your company, SEDEX membership alone, without an audit, is not very complicated or expensive.

European consumers are worried about factors such as their personal economic circumstances, convenience and security. Exporters may need to adapt by offering competitively priced products that are also socially responsible. Clearly state how your social responsibility efforts add real value for consumers, such as in cost savings or product quality. For instance, using energy-efficient equipment, reducing waste or sourcing materials locally can lower expenses and boost social responsibility.

SMEs can become socially responsible suppliers by taking on sustainable practices that meet international standards. Social responsibility includes topics such as better labour conditions, low environmental impact, ethical sourcing, good governance structures and support to local communities. 

Some food processing companies in developing countries employ a larger share of migrant workers than other industries. Migrant workers often work long hours in difficult conditions. Companies can establish fair labour practices for this workforce that reflect the local living wage, working hours and safety protocols. 

Olive oil production generates a significant amount of waste, including olive pomace and wastewater that harm the immediate community. However, these by-products can be turned into valuable resources for the community. Olive pomace can be used to produce biofuel, and wastewater can be treated and reused for irrigation.

The ISO 26000 standard identifies seven core subjects and issues related to social responsibility:

  1. Organisational governance;
  2. Human rights;
  3. Labour practices;
  4. The environment;
  5. Fair operating practices;
  6. Consumer issues;
  7. Community involvement and development.

One way of being socially responsible is to take care of the local community. Palestine-based cooperative Canaan Fair Trade does this in its own community, by working with more than 1,000 artisan family farms in 43 villages. To promote social justice, Canaan uses fair trade principles such as full direct payment, fair prices for farmers and purchase guarantees. The company exports processed products like almond pesto, carob syrup and wild caper tomato tapenade. 

Keep in mind that there is a difference between the terms 'fair trade' and Fairtrade. 'Fair trade' describes efforts to lower global poverty. This is done with direct, equitable and sustainable trade between producers in the Global South and consumers in the Global North. The single word 'Fairtrade' denotes food and goods produced under the standards set by the Fairtrade International system.

Companies can implement fair trade principles even without certification. The World Fair Trade Organisation (WTFO) published ten fair trade principles that can guide you in becoming a fair trade business. This fits well with a strategy to make socially responsible products more accessible and affordable in all consumer segments.

Figure 1: What are fair trade, fairtrade and free trade?

Figure 1: What are fair trade, fairtrade and free trade?

Source: Autentika Global, 2024

Sourcing products with direct trade can help consumers support local growers. Mavuno Harvest is a small company in Tanzania that sells organic dried fruit from rural sub-Saharan Africa. The company chose to help farming communities in Sub-Saharan Africa by opting for direct trade. Its direct trade practices are certified by QCS. The company avoids middlemen by working directly with farmers. Keep in mind that there are still no widespread formal certifications exclusively to guarantee that raw materials have been bought through direct trade.

Social sustainability is also based on equal opportunities for all members of society. Colombia’s Fruandes is a small fair trade company that exports a range of processed vegetable products. The company works with small-scale farmers. From the 74 farmer association members, 20% are women and 7% are younger than 30. Fruandes also includes fair wages and working conditions for its employees, 70% of them women who are helping to strengthen the entire community. 

Companies cannot expect to become successful in a failing community. The UN Global Compact offers useful information that helps companies embrace the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


  • Monitor consumer expectations and highlight strengths of your own that may resonate with consumer values
  • Consider adopting fair trade principles even if fair trade certification is out of reach. For guidance, look at the 10 principles published by the WTFO
  • Survey and identify the biggest problems in your local community. Is it access to fresh water? Disease? Gender inequality? Try to form local partnerships to tackle problems
  • Promote direct trade and fair pricing in day-to-day activities. A good rule of thumb could be to get to know and then negotiate directly with growers when possible. This helps build stronger ties
  • Download and share a set of free resources developed by Partner Africa to facilitate the adoption of responsible business practices.

2. Promote health and safety at the workplaces 

Workers must be protected from potential dangers, such as diseases, injuries and harmful chemicals. Without suitable health and safety measures in the workplace, work can lead to accidents and illnesses. 

Workers in mango farms, cashew processing factories and vegetable fields, for example, face many health and safety risks. Without good safety measures, they can get hurt or sick. On mango farms, workers often use pesticides. If not used safely, these chemicals can cause health problems such as breathing troubles, skin issues, and even serious diseases like cancer.

In vegetable fields, the work can be physically hard. Workers may have to lift heavy baskets of produce or work in uncomfortable positions, which can lead to back pain. They may also have to work in very hot weather, which can cause health issues like heatstroke.

In cashew factories there can be other dangers. Workers might get cut or injured by machines used to crack the hard shells of the cashews. They might also be exposed to the dust from the shells, which can cause allergies or breathing problems.

Encourage the use of PPE 

Ensure the physical safety of workers. Companies should require employees to wear suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, hairnets, proper footwear and aprons. This protects employee health and prevents contamination of products. 

PPE should be provided by the company and replaced regularly. The company should also provide workers with safety equipment such as goggles and masks where necessary. Be aware of specific problems and occupational diseases in your firm and supply chain. Use PPE and equipment that address the cause of a problem. For example, the corrosive cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) causes a severe dermatological problem called cauterisation. India's cashew processor RTG Industries recommends cloth or rubber gloves for CNSL in its material safety data sheet.

Check out the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) dedicated farm hazards page with proposed controls and solutions. 

OHSA also has industry-specific resources for the food processing industry, as well as particular topics such as temporary staffing, beverage delivery, warehousing and storage. 

Prolonged fruit or vegetable peeling activities can cause finger deformities and scarring. Make sure that proper protective gloves are utilised. Breaks are vital in this industry as they allow physical recovery from demanding tasks, prevent heat stress and foster mental rest, leading to increased productivity and safer work conditions.

Processing of stone fruits and nuts usually involves pitting and shelling activities. These activities are accompanied by higher levels of air particles and noise pollution. Workers should have air protection equipment to avoid respiratory problems and asthma. Ear protectors can help avoid hearing damage from noise pollution.

Provide training and education 

Simply giving PPE to employees is not enough. Workers need to know why hygienic measures are needed and how to apply them. Companies should provide continued education on worker safety and hygiene. It is in the best interest of suppliers and sellers to keep their own workers informed. Companies can teach workers with regular short meetings and clear posters in the workplace. For updates, use digital tools where possible, or brochures and group talks as needed.

Conduct a workplace risk assessment

A risk assessment is a careful check of what could harm people in the workplace. Employers and workers can easily conduct a basic workplace risk assessment. According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), basic measures can often control risks, and especially for SMEs its five-step method might be the simplest. 

Conduct a formal, documented risk assessment at least once a year. A new risk assessment is a must if there are significant changes in the workplace, such as new machinery, processes or products. 

For example, in a nut factory you first spot hazards like loud machines or sharp tools. Then, consider who might get hurt, for example workers near the machines. Next, evaluate these risks and decide on safety steps, such as using ear protectors. Assign someone to put these measures into place within a short timeframe. Lastly, write everything down. Then monitor how things are going and make any necessary changes.

Figure 2: Five-step method for a workplace risk assessment

Five-step method for a workplace risk assessment

Source: Autentika Global, International Labour Organisation (ILO), 2024

Provide safe workplaces and accommodations for workers

Companies should ensure that the workplace and accommodations for workers are clean and well-maintained. Facilities for workers should have adequate ventilation and lighting. 

Employees must also have access to basic amenities such as clean water, toilets, and bathing facilities if necessary. When possible, companies can improve worker well-being with additional facilities like a sports area, spaces for meals and other facilities, and health services.

Keep in mind legislation on workers’ load-handling. European Directive 90/269/EEC specifies that employers must reduce risks in the manual handling of heavy loads. Employers can do this by using tools like forklifts or trolleys for heavy loads. Provide training on safe lifting practices. Consult a guide on manual handling from the UK's Health and Safety Executive and national laws

A good source of answers on a range of international labour issues is the ILO Helpdesk for Business on International Labour Standards. It provides information on many labour topics and there is even a Q&A section on business and occupational safety and health. For example, the ILO code of practice on safety and health in agriculture provides guidance on aspects like load-handling. 

Ensure free health check-ups for workers

Health check-ups can help identify potential health issues early on. This can prevent more serious health problems down the line. Early detection of health problems improves outcomes and lowers healthcare costs. Another benefit for companies is that workers know the company cares for their well-being. This improves satisfaction and work morale.

Employers can expand their social responsibility by integrating health services for multiple health issues. Integrated health testing for multiple diseases is more likely to be accepted, according to an ILO report.

Malaria and tuberculosis kill millions every year. They also have clear symptoms which, when caught early on, can help diagnose these treatable diseases. Free health check-ups can help identify the presence of such diseases.

Companies can conduct a workplace health assessment to understand the specific health risks present in their work environment. These can include potential exposure to harmful substances, noise levels, or ergonomic hazards. An assessment will also yield data about the health of employees, according to a workplace health scorecard from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

The data from a health assessment can guide companies on the right health programmes for their workers. For example, if noise levels are high, ear protection programmes could be a priority. If many workers have malaria symptoms, a partnership with a local healthcare provider for regular check-ups might be beneficial.

Figure 3: Data sources for a workplace health assessment

Data sources for a workplace health assessment

Source: Autentika GlobalCDC, 2024


  • Implement regular cleaning and sanitising measures at your firm. Consult local regulations to ensure full compliance with hygiene requirements
  • Create guidelines that promote a culture of wearing of personal protective equipment (PPE). Then provide all the necessary PPE. Conduct a manual handling risk assessment
  • Provide basic amenities such as clean water, toilets and meal spaces. Consult workers on additional amenities that could improve the working environment
  • Offer free health checks for workers and run a workplace health assessment. Use available models, such as the workplace health model from the CDC
  • Consult the concise list of main causes of injury in the fruit and vegetables industry from the UK's HSE.

3. Promote inclusivity for a successful business

Inclusiveness means having a diverse workforce where everyone is given equal opportunities, regardless of gender, race, age or religion. Fair practices are actions that promote equality and justice, such as equitable hiring, fair compensation and eliminating discrimination. Workers' rights cover the right to safe working conditions, fair wages, and freedom from discrimination.

Importers are increasingly buying products that are made by those who respect human rights. This is especially relevant if the product supply chain is associated with human rights abuses. For example, six major UK supermarkets ceased sourcing tinned pineapples from a Del Monte plantation in Kenya in 2024 due to ongoing human rights abuse accusations. The alleged events in Kenya involved actions by farm guards. Being socially responsible requires effort from everyone in the company. Focus on areas in which your company faces the biggest challenges.

Figure 4: The business benefits of full inclusion of employees

The business benefits of full inclusion of employees

Source: Autentika GlobalMcKinsey & Company, 2024

Be aware that firms can face legal, financial and reputational problems if they fail to respect workers’ rights. Also, production stoppages become more likely when there is worker unrest. Firms can lose important contracts to suppliers who show buyers that they have greater protections for workers. For example, firms can be forced to pay legal damages or injury compensation to workers, or their reputation can suffer because of critical news reports. 

Some of the most important fair practices that companies can adopt are listed below.

Put in place equitable hiring practices

A strong and resilient workforce reflects the community it comes from. However, providing equal employment opportunities is not the end of fair treatment in the workplace. Being inclusive also means giving fair compensation. All workers should have the same access to promotions, training and development opportunities. Some groups may benefit from additional support, like young and older workers. 

The UN Global Compact developed a free decent work toolkit that helps buyers support decent work. It can provide suppliers with good insight into what buyers are looking for from suppliers. It consists of three specific tools that focus on decent work and how to promote it inside a company and supply chain. The toolkit includes case studies, examples and links to e-courses. 

Encourage a diverse workplace culture

High levels of diversity and inclusion in a company are linked to greater productivity, innovation and well-being. An overview of diversity and inclusion research from 2020 shows that individuals, organisations and society can all benefit. The ILO published these findings in a 2022 report on productive and strong workplaces. Inclusion means being valued as an individual and having a strong sense of belonging at work. 

Figure 5: Four principles for achieving transformational change on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

Four principles for achieving transformational change on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I)

Source: Autentika Global, International Labour Organisation (ILO), 2024

Companies that want to promote inclusion and diversity must identify barriers in their organisation. These blockages can be overcome by focusing on employees' feelings of inclusion. According to a 2020 study by global management company McKinsey & Company, four factors are linked to a strong sense of inclusion:

  • Diverse, inclusive company leadership is correlated with individuals feeling included;
  • A meritocratic company culture is linked to workers’ sense of inclusion;
  • Sponsorship helps the career prospects of underrepresented employees;
  • Meaningful access to senior leaders helps worker advancement and increases feelings of inclusion. 

Offer training and development opportunities

Companies that offer workers learning and development are able to fill existing or new skill gaps. In-house talent can often help address issues a company may face. 

Training should cover equipment use, quality assurance and sustainable farming methods. Staff can also learn about food processing techniques, supply chain management and leadership skills. Health and safety training is essential to create a safe work environment.

According to the WEF Future of Jobs Report 2023 (PDF), surveyed agriculture and natural resources sector firms identified the four most important core skills for their workers as being: creative thinking, technological literacy, quality control, and curiosity and lifelong learning. 

By developing its own employees, a firm can create a strong talent pool. This allows businesses to promote from the inside, according to a 2021 analysis by the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business. These practices also cut down on costs for recruiting, interviewing, hiring and training.

Companies should offer training and development opportunities to all employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. According to a 2022 study by TalentLMS, employees see a vibrant learning & development (L&D) culture as a key component of what makes a company a great place to work, now and for the future.

Overcome gender discrimination and promote equality

Women and girls make up almost half of the agricultural workforce in developing countries, according to a 2019 study by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Women in the farming and food processing sector often face a lack of access to training, machinery and new technology. Rural women remain at a greater disadvantage in accessing financial services, according to the Rural Women and Financial Inclusion report (PDF), published by FAO in 2024. 

The latest employment indicators for women in the agriculture sector for some CBI target countries indicate that women are not equally represented. In some of the countries with available data, women represent less than 5% of the workforce. 

Table 1: Share of total agriculture, forestry and fishing workforce that was female in 2022

CountryShare female (%)
Burkina Faso44.9
Palestinian Territories16.1
Sri Lanka34.1

Source: FAOSTAT, 2024

Food processing companies can become more gender-aware and provide equal rights to women by using strategies and tools such as: 

  • Making a longer shortlist when hiring new candidates if you wish to give women a better chance. A 2021 study by the Harvard Business Review warns that gender inequities may be silently present in informal hiring. They found that the share of female candidates was 33% higher in extended shortlists;
  • Eliminating gender pay gaps through wage transparency. Firms should make it a policy to pay everyone the same for the same roles. This is a finding from the 2021 Future of Work analysis by the WEF;
  • Conducting a gender audit to find gender gaps and any favouritisms in company policies and practices;
  • Having women mentor men to reduce the divide between the genders in the company. A 2021 article suggests that women mentoring men could benefit both sides;
  • Encourage work-life balance by providing flexible working hours, parental leave and childcare. This is very helpful for women who balance work and family responsibilities;

The International Financial Corporation (IFC) published an interactive gender toolkit to help companies unlock opportunities for women in the oil, gas and mining sectors. The toolkit can be used by all firms that want a more diverse, gender-balanced workplace. 


  • Conduct a survey and check whether the workforce reflects the community in terms of race, religion, age, gender and nationality. If not, check for possible bias in employment practices
  • Champion a culture that acknowledges and rewards talent; initiate equitable hiring and compensation strategies now
  • Monitor and improve the minimum-to-average wage ratio in your company
  • Prepare and conduct workforce surveys to pinpoint preferred training programmes
  • Announce a policy of equal access to training, machinery and new technology for all workers.

4. Take ownership of your supply chain

Companies that work to develop responsible supply chains can improve their reputation and the brand value of their products. Such behaviour can increase customer loyalty and help attract new customers who care about sustainably made products. In addition, every country has laws and regulations in place that prohibit labour abuses. Companies that ignore these regulations can face legal problems and financial costs.

Sensible supply chain practices can also help companies save money over the long term. Also, joint work with suppliers to improve practices can create a more efficient supply chain.

Companies that do not manage supply chain risks properly can face risks such as reputational damage and legal and financial perils. Poorly managed supply relationships can also lead to shortages of key materials because of supplier problems. Discovery of unsustainable supply chains can cause loss of market access. 

Farmers are at the heart of the food supply chain. Processors should keep grower interests prominent in their code of conduct. Farmers are not employees and often lack the same protection net as workers. Adopt policies that ensure fair conditions for growers, like payments based on grower production costs, quality-based premiums, farmer assistance programmes, and weighing of produce only with regularly calibrated scales. 

Conduct a risk assessment of your supply chain to find potential risks, then develop strategies to manage labour, environmental and social risks that emerge. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a reliable source of information on how firms can conduct a risk assessment on suppliers. In addition to the GRI Universal Standards, new GRI standards for sustainable production of food have been developed and are free. 

Food processors should develop a supplier code of conduct. This document should outline the expectations and standards that suppliers must respect and commit to. The code can address issues such as human rights, labour practices, environmental sustainability and business ethics.

Even with a code of conduct in place, firms must make sure that the code is being implemented. To do so, monitor supplier compliance. This is usually done through supplier audits, site visits, and other forms of due diligence. The best way to build a trusted relationship is to work with suppliers directly to promote responsible practices. 

Social compliance audits can help a company know that its factory or suppliers are compliant with labour and environmental laws. Two common audits are amfori BSCI and SMETA. Both audits can help you understand standards of labour, health and safety, environmental performance, and ethics in your firm or at a supplier site.

Reporting on supply chain performance can be difficult and expensive for SMEs. Researchers from Indonesia have found that SMEs in their country have limited resources to dedicate to this purpose. Also, there is a lack of specific guidelines for sustainability reporting by SMEs. According to a 2021 case study involving 25 SMEs, Indonesian researchers proposed that SMEs adopt a smaller number of indicators for reporting by choosing the most relevant indicators for their business. Start modestly by focusing on key indicators, then expand as proficiency in reporting grows.

Be inspired by SMEs that already report their impact. Kuli Kuli is a small food processor in the USA that produces and sells moringa-based food powders for smoothies. The company has published its 2021 sustainability impact report, which includes information on their supply chain sustainability practices. They are building a fair food chain and using the food economy to improve conditions in under-privileged regions.


  • Conduct a social compliance audit of your own company and suppliers. Use common audits like amfori BSCI and SMETA.
  • Instruct company procurement staff to use the Decent Work Toolkit for Sustainable Procurement. Ask suppliers to do the same. This will enable action to improve labour conditions for supply-chain workers.
  • Develop a supplier code of conduct. This document should outline the expectations and standards that suppliers must respect and commit to.
  • Search for potential risks now by conducting a risk assessment of your entire supply chain.
  • Embrace sustainability at the very top of the firm and then expand to all partners and workers.

5. Be aware of changing human rights due diligence legislation

In July 2024, the EU’s Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence (Directive 2024/1760) entered into force. This CSDDD directive establishes an obligation of corporate due diligence. The new rules require large companies to check their supply chains to make sure that goods they sell have no links to human rights abuses, deforestation or other forms of environmental degradation inside or outside Europe. Implementation will be gradual. Micro companies and SMEs are not covered by the rules.

The directive will apply as from June 2027 to companies with more than 5,000 employees and €1.5 billion in turnover. These limits will gradually be lowered to cover more companies. By June 2029 they will cover all companies with at least 1,000 employees and €450 million in turnover. 

Human rights due diligence (HRDD) in supply chains is a new and developing area, and firms may be confused about the changing rules. SMEs can find implementing HRDD difficult, but there are resources available. The Norton Rose Fulbright report on HRDD states: "Start somewhere… It is important to keep on improving". 

Figure 6: How to keep up with human rights due diligence (HRDD) requirements

How to keep up with human rights due diligence (HRDD) requirements

Source: Autentika Global, 2024

Individual countries also have their own HRDD rules 

SMEs supplying large companies in Europe should be aware that individual countries have been developing their own HRDD legislation. Countries are requiring their companies to implement due diligence measures in their extended supply chains. Notable examples are France's Corporate Duty of Vigilance Law of 2017 and the Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Law of 2019. In January 2023, Germany's own Supply Chain Due Diligence Act came into effect. Germany's regulations require companies to take appropriate measures to respect human rights and the environment within their supply chains.

Follow and adopt existing HRDD guidelines 

To better understand the human rights issues in supply chains, consult reputable resources on HRDD, such as Gender-Responsive Due Diligence. Another source is the Making Sense of Managing Human Rights Issues in Supply Chains report, which can assist companies in understanding what is expected and how to set good practices. 

The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct also gives practical support to firms explaining due diligence recommendations, but is a more general document. 

Despite the availability of these resources based on internationally recognised frameworks, most of these sources are general guidelines that do not specifically address fruit, vegetable and nut processing. Food processing is often linked to informal seasonal work, extensive reliance on small growers, and traceability problems. 

Companies facing forced labour, child labour and human trafficking problems can look at specific tools such as the Responsible Sourcing Tool for Food and Beverage Compliance. This toolkit was developed by Verité with the US government. Also consult the OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains, whose step-by-step approach helps companies integrate this process into their operations and supply chains. 

To address the risk of child labour in agricultural operations, the Fair Labor Association issued new guidance to companies in March 2023. The guidance consists of eight steps to be followed: 

  1. Commit to aligning policies with international standards on child labour;
  2. Recognise that local laws may not adequately protect children. Many companies use 18 as an upper age limit for children, as good practice. Be aware of your local legislation and its details. Err on the safe side.
  3. Build awareness among staff, subcontractors and supply-chain partners;
  4. Actively monitor facilities;
  5. Maintain required permits and parental consent documentation;
  6. Develop special considerations for the employment of young workers;
  7. Implement a system to identify and document proof of age for young workers;
  8. Take steps for remediation and case management.

Sol Organica is a Nicaraguan food processor that sources, manufactures and exports solar dried fruit and tropical fruit purees and juices to Europe and North America. A severe lack of jobs and education in rural areas has created a cycle of poverty in many farming communities. Sol Organica addresses some of these human rights issues by offering farmers financial training and helping to open bank accounts for farmers and cooperatives. The firm pays above-market value for crops and offers jobs to single mothers in rural communities.

Be proactive and prevent problems by adopting anti-harassment, anti-discrimination, whistle-blower and 'right to unite' policies. These policies should be developed as documents and be easily available. They should contain precise ways to protect victims, guarantee fair treatment of complaints, and ensure reporting of outcomes. 

Companies in the processed fruit, vegetable and nut sector often use voluntary sustainability standards. These risk-based due diligence systems can help firms follow requirements of international markets. Their usefulness depends on how closely they match international expectations and regulations. The FAO published an excellent technical gap analysis tool on voluntary sustainability standards in the avocado and pineapple sectors in March 2023. 

Keep on top of HRDD developments in target markets

Non-compliance with HRDD legislation could result in legal action, restrictions, fines and/or penalties imposed by regulatory bodies in EU countries. Another serious risk is reputational damage.


6. Employ and train youth for better outcomes

Creating youth employment opportunities in the processed fruit and vegetable sector can positively impact local communities and the industry. It will also give you access to a newly skilled and motivated workforce. This can lead to innovative solutions and increased productivity. 

Many countries have young populations. In rural communities, agriculture and the food industry often provide informal job opportunities. However, small-scale subsistence farming may not be an appealing career path for youth. The food processing industry, with its potential for formal employment, could be a more attractive option for them. 

Young people in rural areas cannot easily afford smartphones, computers and internet plans. Rural areas also often have poor and unreliable connectivity and limited electricity infrastructure. Set up training programmes, invest in infrastructure and ICT, and support the young generation in using them.


  • Offer internships and apprenticeships and partner with local agricultural schools and universities.
  • Offer competitive wages and benefits to attract young talent. Good working conditions and opportunities for professional growth and advancement are ways to attract young people.
  • Encourage young farmers and entrepreneurs by offering guidance, mentoring and access to resources.

Autentika Global carried out this study on behalf of CBI.

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Social Responsibility is not only demanded by regulations (such as German or French Law on Due Diligence in the Supply Chains Act). Due to advancing digitalisation, exploitation of workers quickly becomes known and may result in irreversible damage to a company's image. Applying Social Responsibility from raw material to finished product demonstrates business commitment towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Spreading decent working conditions means being part of a future economic model.

Daniela Schröder

Daniela Schröder, Advisor Fair & Social Responsibility, Naturland

Social responsibility is a fundamental necessity for companies that want to export to Europe. With increasing consumer awareness and more regulations, European businesses are strengthening their due diligence on social and environmental issues. Robust social and environmental management systems can help exporters become the partner of choice for European clients. In addition, improved working conditions go hand-in-hand with productivity, quality and efficiency, helping to build a profitable, sustainable and resilient business.

Emilie Paradiso

Emilie Paradiso - Head of Advisory, Partner Africa