What are the opportunities for community-based tourism from Europe?
Community based tourism in Europe requires a lot of hard work and knowledge. To help you prepare CBI provides market information with trends which offer opportunities in the European market for community based tourism. From information about what makes Europe an interesting market for community based tourism, to European countries which offer the most opportunities for community based tourism and trends opportunities in the European community based tourism market.
The European market is a good source of tourists looking for community experiences. The highest demand for community based tourism is from Germany, the UK, France, Spain and the Netherlands. Sweden is an emerging market for community-based tourism (CBT) as Swedes have a strong desire to travel and learn about new cultures. Community based tourism experiences are sold through a range of channels, including direct sales to fully independent travellers (FIT) and via European tour operators to small groups and individual tourists from the scientific, academic, volunteer and education (SAVE) markets.