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Which European tourism market segments and niches should I target?

Takes 5 minutes to read

To target European tourism buyers effectively, it is important to know how the European tourism market is segmented. For a successful tourism product, you have to make clear choices about which tourism segment and niches you want to be active in. 

As a tourism entrepreneur, you need to know the strengths and weaknesses of your product portfolio. Concentrating on a few tourism niches allows you to specialise and adapt your products and services specifically to your target group. Specialising also makes you stand out from your competitors.

This infographic helps you understand the various segments and their niches. And which ones to choose and focus on for your product portfolio.


The infographic works slightly differently on a mobile device. Go to 'Using the mobile version'.

Using the infographic on your desktop:

  • Homepage: Choose one of the 7 segments: Nature, Adventure, Culture, Nautical, Wellness, Sport and Business.

    Please note: Moving your cursor over a segment will only show you its definition. Clicking the segment will take you to its niches.
  • Segment page: The wheel shows all the tourism niches for that segment. 
  • Niche page: Select a niche to read more about it and the specialist niches within it. If the niche is also part of another tourism segment, it is shown here. Read the latest market research via the ‘Go to study’ button. 
  • Back to overview: To go back to the infographic homepage, click ‘Back to overview’.

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Using the mobile version:

  • Homepage:  Choose one of the 7 segments: Nature, Adventure, Culture, Nautical, Wellness, Sport and Business.
  • Segment page: Read the segment’s definition and a list of its niches. 
  • Niche page: Choose a niche to read its explanation along with a list of specialist niches and examples. If the niche is also part of another tourism segment, it is shown here. Read the latest market research via the ‘Go to study’ button.  
  • Back to overview: To go back to the homepage from a segment page, use the ‘Back to overview’ button. To go back to the overview of available niches from a niche page, use the ‘Back’ button at the bottom of the page.

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