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Entering the European market for Generation X

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Generation X are looking for high-quality, value-for-money experiences that engage all members of the family. This group want experiences that offer learning opportunities to their children, but also a chance to relax and get away from the stress of normal life. They want uncomplicated travel, starting from the booking process, and therefore prefer to book through online travel agents (OTAs), tour operators or on their own.

1. What requirements must Gen X tourism comply with to be allowed on the European market?

By law, the European tour operator market must comply with a number of regulations to ensure their clients are safe and financially protected when travelling. To do business with the European market, you have to meet their expectations and so align your business processes with theirs. They will expect you to meet conditions they set in a code of conduct and/or terms of business. As sustainability in all areas of tourism services is now mandatory for all European tourism suppliers, you must embed sustainability in your business.

What are the mandatory and additional requirements that buyers have?

The mandatory and additional requirements for tourism services are the same across the sector. They include:

  • The European Package Travel Directive
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Liability Insurance and Insolvency Protection

You can learn more in the CBI study What are the requirements for tourism services in the European market? This study helps you understand the legal, non-legal and sector-wide requirements that European tour operators have to comply with. If you know these requirements and can adapt your business to meet their needs, they will be more likely to do business with you. It is important that European buyers can trust their suppliers to meet their own and their customers’ needs.

Embedding sustainability

Making sure your tourism business is sustainable is a key and urgent step. The purpose of sustainable tourism is to increase the benefits and reduce the negative impacts of tourism. Sustainable tourism includes:

  • Protecting the natural environment, wildlife and its habitats and other natural resources when planning, developing and managing tourism activities.
  • Providing tourist experiences that are authentic, so that distinctive culture and heritage are preserved and celebrated.
  • Empowering local people and communities through employment, economic independence and skills development.

Tourists’ intention to travel sustainably is strong, as shown in the infographic below from Booking.com’s Sustainable Travel Report 2021 (PDF).

Figure 1: Traveller sustainability statistics, 2021

Traveller sustainability statistics, 2021

Source: Booking.com

More and more European tour operators will only work with suppliers that are certified or can provide sustainability credentials.

Sustainable tourism is directly related to business success. If you do not put sustainability at the centre of your business, you will not succeed in targeting European Gen Xers. Sustainability statistics show the increasing importance of implementing sustainable practices in your business.


  • The detailed CBI study How to be a sustainable tourism business provides an explanation of what sustainable tourism is, details of sustainability certification schemes and some practical advice on how to make your business sustainable.

What are the requirements for niche markets?

Gen X have specific needs when travelling, and operators that meet these needs will have more success in this market. This generation are looking for value-for-money trips, authentic and engaging experiences and a simple way to get there, from research to booking. Operators must understand these requirements and package tours to meet their needs.  

Gen X requires value for money

Gen X are budget-conscious travellers and like to find deals before they book. Additionally, although this generation do not use social media as much as younger generations, they are likely to be influenced by deals and promotions on social media. While budget is important, they are not willing to sacrifice quality. Quality is still ranked as the number one most important factor when making travel bookings.

When it comes to accommodation, they want something that is comfortable, particularly as they get older. However, they are not looking for luxury. They want something priced within their budget and an authentic experience rather than an all-inclusive resort.

Those travelling with children want to reduce the culture shock for their families. They may therefore look for accommodation that can house the group together, is clean and has suitable facilities for their children’s age group, such as a swimming pool. Self-catered accommodation often suits these groups, as they usually have more space and allow families to cook for themselves, which is cheaper and often easier with children.


  • As a tour operator, provide accommodation that is authentic and good value but does not sacrifice on quality and comfort.
  • Offer promotions and discounts during European school holidays, when Gen Xers are most likely to travel. They are more likely to choose your company if they can see they are getting high quality products at good value.

Provide family-friendly, authentic experiences

Gen X want family-oriented, authentic experiences. Most of them travel in groups, for example with their partner, children, parents, grandchildren, friends, children’s friends or wider family groups. Therefore, they often look for family-friendly activities and experiences. As children get older, they are less willing to sit and play by a pool all day. Instead, they want to participate in activities that are adventurous, fun and allow them to learn about new cultures and historical facts.

Figure 2: Examples of Gen X activities by group

Examples of Gen X activities by group

Source: Acorn Tourism Consulting


  • Advertise family-friendly activity options for all age groups and consider adapting activities where necessary to make them more appropriate for younger children. For example, less dangerous routes for canoeing or white-water rafting, and easier walking tracks.
  • Add responsible wildlife encounters to Gen X trips wherever possible as they are interesting for all age groups.
  • List authentic experiences near the accommodation and encourage local hotels to do the same. This will inspire visitors to visit local attractions and support local communities.
  • Invest in good guides as they are essential for satisfied clients.

Make pre-travel processes uncomplicated

Gen X travellers face a lot of stresses and most are juggling work and family life. When they travel, they want the opportunity to unwind and not think about the stresses of normal life. Uncomplicated travel means the process of travelling is made simple. That is, all the information they want to look up is readily available, booking systems are simple and online to make processes easy and everything at the destination is booked and ready for them before they arrive.

Table 1: Gen X booking preferences for uncomplicated travel

Action Requirements
  • Information available online through websites
  • Easy way to contact companies
  • Offers and promotions presented clearly so they are easy to find and use
  • Online booking is preferred
  • Gen X use their desktops and laptops more than smartphones when booking, so it is important to make booking processes responsive to laptops and desktops
  • Options with amenities on-site or close by, such as a pool at the hotel and nice restaurants within walking distance
  • Transportation included with the accommodation, or easy to book
  • Optional babysitting or childcare provided

Source: Acorn Tourism Consulting


  • Set up a good website with all the information Gen X may need to make a decision. This includes information about the full cost (no hidden fees) and what is not included in the price, and activity and accommodation options.
  • Offer accommodation that has on-site or nearby amenities to make travel easier, particularly for families.
  • Check out CBI’s tips on how to implement online payment, if you do not use it already. This will increase the ease of booking for Gen X.

2. Through what channels can you get Gen X tourism products on the European market?

How is the end market segmented?

It is important to understand the Gen X market in terms of their travel preferences, priorities, booking methods and characteristics. Market segments may include:

  • Families travelling with young children, who may be on a low budget, prefer safe destinations in close proximity to Europe and want activities to entertain smaller children.
  • Families travelling with older children, who may have a low to medium budget, choose destinations that offer educational activities and are interested in cultural immersion.
  • Singles or couples without children and with higher budgets and fewer restrictions on destinations or travel times, and who are interested in all activities.
  • Empty nesters and retirees, who are likely to have higher budgets and are looking for bucket-list destinations and activities.

More information on Gen X market segmentation can be found in the European market potential report for Gen X.

Through what channels do Gen X tourism products end up on the end market?

The main channels for reaching the European Gen X market are through online travel agencies (OTAs), tour operators and direct bookings. The chart below gives an overview of these channels and actions you can take to reach them.

Figure 3: Channels to reach the European Gen X market

Channels to reach the European Gen X market

Source: Acorn Tourism Consulting

Online travel agents

Most Gen X tourists use OTAs for travel planning. OTAs let them view and compare accommodation options and tour operators, including the quality and cost of each. As Gen Xers are a budget-conscious generation and always on the lookout for a good deal, it makes sense that this is their most preferred tool to research, plan and book travel.

With the number of OTAs having grown in recent years, there are now many options to choose from in this marketing channel.  

Popular OTAs for accommodation bookings include:

Popular OTAs for tours include:

Independent travel/direct bookings

Gen X often travel and book independently, so marketing must be placed where they are most likely to see it. This includes email communication, social media promotions, travel review websites (such as Tripadvisor) and destination management organisation websites. As loyal customers, Gen X are likely to return to the same tour operators and even accommodation providers when visiting similar locations. Businesses should keep track of their visitors and market deals and promotions when available. Emails are Gen X’s preferred communication format. You should use social media platforms to share promotions, discounts and deals.

Gen X also use travel review sites more than any other generation when choosing between operators and options. It is critical to keep track of reviews of your business on top review sites, respond to negative reviews where appropriate and have an action plan for responding to repeated negative reviews so key aspects of the visitor experience are improved as much as possible.

Tour operators and agents

Gen X also use tour operators and travel agents, particularly when travelling in larger family groups. Tour operators and agents need to provide options for self-guided tours in which everything (accommodation, transportation, activities) is booked prior to travel, but travellers visit the destination alone instead of with a larger group.

This option provides Gen X with the booking ease they want (uncomplicated travel), but still allows them to travel independently, spend time with family and move at their own pace. It also lets them adapt their itinerary as they wish to meet the needs and interests of everyone in their travel group.

Below are examples of tour operators in Europe that engage well with Gen X.

Bushbaby operates out of the UK and sells about 80% of their trips to Gen Xers. Their popularity with this generation is likely due to their tailor-made trips. Their travel ‘inspiration’ themes are small children, teenagers, older couples and multigenerational travel. They specialise in adventure trips, but with high-quality accommodation (3 to 4-star) and interesting activities for the whole group.

Akwaba Afrika is a German tour operator that specialises in trips to the African continent. Akwaba Afrika themes their trips around travel interests, for example adventure, culture, nature, safari and recreation. They also provide ideas for family and group travel. In some countries, Akwaba Afrika offers self-drive tours, with all vehicle rentals and accommodation organised. All these options make this company a good fit for Gen X.

Continents Insolites is a French operator that offers trips worldwide. Similar to Akwaba Afrika, they have trips targeted to both families and small groups, and group tours by theme such as nature, beaches, cruises and train journeys. Continents Insolites lets Gen X tailor-make trips to their chosen destination and makes all the travel arrangements in advance.


What is the most interesting channel for you?

It is important to understand how to use each of the channels described to target Gen X. Prioritise channels that are easily accessible to your business and quick to set up. However, since OTAs are a preferred booking method for Gen X, it would be useful to start with them and consider which OTAs you can use to advertise your business.


  • Make a longlist of OTAs that reach your target markets to understand your options. Also consider adding specialist OTAs that match your profile and activities.
  • Assess your eligibility to work with OTAs on your longlist and the benefits of each (for example, marketing initiatives, visibility in target markets).
  • Before signing up, calculate the financial implications of using an OTA to ensure you will actually make a profit.
  • Consider all the elements needed to advertise through an OTA, including price, transportation, food/meals, entry fees and guides. Ensure you have them all prepared to build your online package.
  • Monitor how well your tours are selling on each platform so you can make changes if and as needed in the future.

3. What competition do you face on the European Gen X tourism market?

When Gen X make decisions about upcoming holidays, they are not only choosing between tour operators in one destination. Before making any decisions on what to see and do and which companies to go with, they have to decide on a destination. For example, if they are looking for a bucket-list experience, Gen X may choose between Egypt and Kenya. If they want a nature experience, they may choose between Costa Rica and Namibia.

This means you are not only competing with companies in your destination, but also with other destinations and with companies in those places. Every destination and tour operator therefore needs to highlight characteristics of their destination that may appeal to Gen X. This can capture their attention during the decision-making process and put your destination on their mind before they make their first reservation. Some destinations you may be competing with are Egypt, Costa Rica, Kenya, Namibia, Turkey and Georgia.

Which countries are you competing with?

Since Gen X is a demographic-based market segment, the biggest competitor countries are those that are already popular among European markets and that meet specific Gen X requirements. These include ease of visiting, availability of family-friendly activities, availability of authentic cultural and learning activities and value for money.


Egypt is a very popular bucket-list destination, being home to the last remaining ancient wonder of the world and rich in history. In 2019, Egypt received 13 million visitors. This number more than doubled since 2016, as visitors regained confidence that it was safe enough after security events in 2015. People travel to Egypt for many reasons, including to go snorkelling and scuba diving in the Red Sea, cruising on a felucca down the Nile and visiting interesting Nubian villages.

Of course, Egypt’s main attraction is its historical offering. Cultural heritage sites in Egypt offer exciting learning experiences for all ages, making them a great draw for Gen X travellers. Key sites are the pyramids of Giza, Abu Simbel temple, Luxor Temple, the Valley of the Kings and the Egyptian Museum. Egypt is also a very accessible destination, with good options for less mobile travellers, making it attractive to some Gen X groups.

Costa Rica

Located in Central America, Costa Rica is a safe and fun destination for families. Well-known for its sustainable tourism, Costa Rica also has much to offer in adventure travel, wildlife and nature-based experiences and wellness. 28% of the country is protected land within National Parks, reserves and wildlife refuges, making this a perfect outdoor destination.  

It has activities and accommodation options that appeal to all generations, from young children to grandparents, making it ideal for family trips and multigenerational travel. Top experiences include jungle hikes, spotting wildlife (including sloths and toucans), zip lining, relaxing at beaches, white-water rafting, canopy tours, visiting volcanoes and hot springs, swimming in waterfalls and farm stays. Costa Rica also has a strong national transportation and road system, which makes getting around easy. Costa Rica therefore is a great example of a destination that caters perfectly to almost anyone and does so sustainably.


Kenya is another example of a destination that caters to everyone. Wildlife is of course a big draw for visitors of all ages, but particularly exciting for children. Kenya has many safari options in world-class safari parks, including the Masai Mara. In fact, Kenya was recognised as the world’s best safari destination in 2022 by the World Travel Awards, for the eighth year in a row.

Kenya is a great destination for families. Many safari lodges cater specifically to children, with walking safaris, pools, games and activities to keep children of all ages entertained all day. It is more affordable than many other safari countries, making it an attractive destination for Gen X. Added to this, though it is not their first language, many people in Kenya speak English fluently, reducing language barriers to travel.

Kenya attracts all types of travellers, including Gen Xers without children. Kenya has many authentic learning opportunities, such as learning about and spotting wildlife and engaging with unique cultures. The country also has popular coastal destinations where visitors can relax after spending time on safari. Finally, Kenya has its own ecotourism certification label, Ecotourism Kenya, which makes finding sustainable accommodation much easier for sustainability-conscious Gen Xers.  


Namibia is a well-known and among the more popular road tripping destinations in the world. Almost 40% of holiday visitors to Namibia travel around by rental car. As a safe destination, hiring a car to travel through this beautiful country is easy and simplifies travelling with groups or children without using public transportation.

The country is full of wildlife parks, and game viewing is the top activity for travellers to Namibia. Visitors can see four of the big five safari animals there. Etosha National Park has the best wildlife viewing in the country, but other nature reserves, such as Fish River Canyon and Sossusvlei, are unique and interesting to see. Namibia also offers plenty of adventure activities for families, including dune boarding, rock climbing, skydiving, kitesurfing, mountain biking and hiking. This range of activities makes Namibia an attractive destination for Gen X.


Turkey is a destination that is short haul for European markets, being only a short flight away. It is also one of the most popular destinations outside Europe for the French, British, German and Polish markets, making this a highly competitive destination. Its proximity to Europe makes Turkey an attractive destination for families that are travelling with young children, do not have many days available to travel or do not want to spend too much time on a flight.

Turkey has several interesting destinations, including coastal towns on the Aegean Sea, nature-based destinations and areas of cultural and historical significance. The combination of heritage sites, comfortable hotels and family activities creates a great environment for Gen X to take their children for a learning experience, without sacrificing any comfort. Gen X-friendly destinations include Cappadocia, Antalya, Izmir, Bursa and Fethiye.

Turkey also offers many family-friendly accommodation options. For example, self-catering accommodation is often popular with families and easy to find in parts of Turkey. There are many smaller hotels and resorts that offer a small-scale experience but still include desirable amenities such as swimming pools, restaurants and fitness centres. Besides hotels, there are also resorts with facilities for all members of the family, including swimming pools, spas and wellness centres.


Georgia in Central Asia is another short-haul destination for European markets and an easily accessible, well-priced and interesting one for Gen X. Georgia is one of the most popular destinations outside Europe for Polish travellers, likely due to its proximity. The country received 7.7 million visitors in 2019 before the pandemic. This number had more than tripled since 2010 (2 million visitors), showing how quickly this destination’s popularity is growing.

Georgia is not known for resorts with many amenities as found in some other destinations. Instead, it offers many small and authentic accommodation options, including self-catering stays, at very reasonable prices. The country has family-friendly activities ranging from hiking, biking, rafting and horseback riding to historic monuments and interesting small towns to visit and a great history to learn about. Top attractions in Georgia include the capital city of Tbilisi, the ancient capital of Mtskheta (a UNESCO World Heritage Site), the picturesque Kakheti region and the small settlement of Juta.

For Gen Xers travelling without children, Georgia is also an excellent place to visit vineyards as it was the birthplace of wine. Georgia is a year-round tourist destination. There are several ski resorts that operate in winter, while in autumn visitors come to see the changing colour of mountain foliage and in spring and summer the country’s beaches and mountains are perfect for relaxation and adventure activities. Georgia is a great destination for Gen X families that are looking for something close by, low cost and adventurous.

Key takeaways:

  • Popular Gen X destinations have activities catering to all age groups. This includes relaxation options such as beach-side resorts or pools and adventure activities such as wildlife viewing, water sports, hiking, dune boarding, biking, canopy tours and farm stays.
  • Accommodation options need to be varied, but all Gen X-targeted accommodation should be comfortable (3 to 4-star) and have extra amenities such as restaurants, pools, childcare and even spas.
  • Families traveling with children like to travel to destinations that offer learning experiences. This can be learning about local history (Egypt), local cultures (Namibia and Georgia) and local environments or wildlife (Kenya, Costa Rica).  
  • It is important for Gen X travellers to be able to get to and around a destination with ease. Road trip destinations are particularly good in places where driving is easy and safe, such as Namibia and Georgia. Otherwise, strong national transport systems are a big advantage.
  • Cost of travel is an important consideration for Gen X travellers. Popular Gen X destinations are high value and low cost, such as Turkey, Costa Rica and Georgia.

Which companies are you competing with?

When assessing your competitiveness, it is useful to look at operators offering similar tours and experiences. It is important to compare your company with others both within your destination and in competing destinations. This can give you a better understanding of what is available to your target markets as well as some useful ideas and practices to implement in your own business. The companies below offer a picture of competing tour operators in the competing destinations described above.  


Red Sea Reisen is an Egyptian tour company specialising in tours on the Red Sea, but also offers tours throughout Egypt. This company offers Red Sea snorkelling, yachting, scuba diving and swimming with dolphin tours, which will attract Gen X families with older children. They also go above and beyond to offer useful information to visitors, including a list of great swimming spots locally and further afield, along with descriptions of activities to do there (snorkelling, swimming in calm water, visiting nearby markets, etc.).

Ramasside is one of Egypt’s leading tour companies. They offer both day and multi-day tours in different forms such as overland tours and Nile cruises. They also offer shore excursions for those visiting Egypt from cruises. The founder of Ramasside has been an industry leader for some time and started the company with the idea to offer the ‘experience of a lifetime’, rather than selling tours. This has been very popular with Gen Xers, based on their desire for experiential travel. The founder won the Global Tourism Innovation award in 2017 for his use of e-marketing methods, which makes his company a good one to learn from.

Costa Rica

Tree Houses Hotel offers unique accommodation in Costa Rica, with seven private tree houses on over 70 acres of wilderness. Some of the tree houses sleep up to six guests, making this a great family-friendly accommodation. Visitors can spot wildlife on the grounds, which are home to sloths, toucans, howler monkeys, armadillos and more. The company also offers wildlife and nature-viewing tours and adventure activities for guests. Tree Houses Hotel hires mostly local staff and uses their land to shelter stray dogs. This kind of responsible travel is popular among sustainability-conscious Gen Xers.

Costa Rica Experts is a local tour operator that sells package holidays. Their website is simple and easy to use. Visitors can find the tour they are looking for under multiple themes, such as wildlife, adventure, wellness and off-the-beaten-path. There are also family-themed tours offering adventures and activities to suit the whole family. Each tour provides a clear overview of the price, listing what is included, which activities visitors get to do and the accommodation options.


Saruni Mara is a small, luxury lodge in the Masai Mara. The lodge has seven separate villas and takes care of all activities and entertainment during guests’ stay, including for solo travellers, couples, groups and families. Gen Xers will particularly enjoy the experiences offered by Saruni Mara. Wildlife encounters such as driving and walking safaris are excellent learning activities for all ages, but the lodge also encourages visiting local villages and learning about local cultures, survival skills and ways of life.

Gamewatchers Safaris is a Kenyan safari company offering trips to all the biggest Kenyan safari parks. The company is committed to preserving Africa’s unique wildlife, landscapes and local communities. It offers budget-friendly ecotourism experiences at small camps and lodges. Gamewatchers Safaris does a good job of offering trips at a range of prices and comfort levels. These vary from private to group tours, staying in camps or lodges, and safaris of different lengths. This gives Gen X travellers a lot of freedom to plan a trip to fit to their budget and desired comfort level.


Naankuse is an ecotourism organisation that reinvests tourism revenue in conservation activities. Naankuse Lodge is a not-for-profit lodge, offering clean and comfortable accommodation. Lodge visitors can book activities to interact with wildlife, such as a carnivore feeding tour, cheetah walk, caracal walk, baboon walk, guided nature walk and a horseback ride through the reserve. Gen X travellers will be attracted to this company both for these authentic wildlife encounters as well as the sustainability aspect. They will enjoy knowing the money they spend on lodging is going back into conservation.

Namibia Experience is a Namibian tour operator offering tours across the country. They have guided tours, safari drives and self-drive trips, with some experiences aimed specifically at families. The tours include a mix of adventure, nature-based and wildlife tourism common to the area. Namibia Experience hires very knowledgeable guides who are passionate about what they do and the history, culture and wildlife of the local areas. Great guides ensure great experiences, especially when it comes to engaging children and teenagers.


TurkeyTour is a locally-owned and run tour operator specialising in tours of Turkey. The company offers both group tours and holiday packages, giving Gen X the freedom they want. This operator has tours in numerous niche markets such as budget packages, faith tourism, adventure tours and health and leisure. Turkey Tour also offers family tours and special packages that are thoughtfully planned with children in mind.

Everyday Turkey Tours operates tours from Kusadasi and Izmir. There are day tours and multi-day tours available, all of which can be tailored to travellers’ preferences. Everyday Turkey Tours have an attractive website, with images on the homepage to draw visitors in. The website shows accommodation options for each city, and visitors can choose the comfort level they want, which is something Gen Xers will appreciate.

Daily Istanbul Tours provide tours throughout Turkey, from 1 to 16-day tours. They prominently display their TripAdvisor reviews on their homepage, which is useful for Gen Xers, who use online reviews more than any other generation when planning their travel. The homepage links directly to the tour operator’s TripAdvisor page, but visitors can also browse reviews directly on the website.


Colour Tour Georgia is a small tour operator that offers tours throughout the country. Specialising in adventure, culture, nature and history, this company has many tours that meet the needs of Gen X travellers, particularly those with older children. Gen Xers will love the authentic nature of this small company, with hospitality based on the Georgian tradition of ‘the guest is by the Lord’. Colour Tour views a friendly attitude to nature as a cornerstone of their operations, showcasing the importance of nature to Georgia’s tourism product.

Komli Historic Farmhouse is a guesthouse run by a local family. Visitors stay in the rustic guesthouse and experience the hospitality of three generations of local Gurian women. Families can participate in agricultural activities on the farm, such as tending the vegetable garden and picking tea, and can learn to make farm-to-table dishes. Farm stays offer a great learning experience for all ages and provide a way to authentically engage with local people and their way of life.

Key takeaways:

  • Multi-day tours catering to Gen X should include comfortable 3 or 4-star accommodation options.
  • Tour operators should offer family tours to target Gen Xers and include activities that both parents and children will enjoy.
  • Tours should specify whether activities are appropriate for younger or older children. Rate each tour’s level of difficulty or of physical activity.
  • Although Gen X tourists prefer individual travel, it is fine to develop packages that include accommodation, transportation and some activities. Just ensure travellers have enough downtime to relax.

Which products are you competing with?

Gen X travellers enjoy a huge range of activities. Depending on individual preferences, they may be looking for adventure, cultural, nature-based, community-based or wellness tourism products. In order to stand out to Gen Xers, offer packages that combine a number of these activities if possible.


  • Provide clear information about accommodation and transportation options to minimise complications. However, allow Gen X to explore the local food scene where possible.
  • Advertise your tours as family tours, with wildlife experiences that feature adrenaline-pumping activities for older children, and high-quality accommodation offering authentic experiences. This will allow you to stand out in the market.
  • Learn about niche travel markets within the Gen X market by reading other CBI reports, including on adventure, cultural, nature-based, community-based and wellness tourism products.

4. What are the prices for Gen X tourism products on the European market?

There is wide variety in the prices of products that may appeal to Gen Xers. Product pricing is based on many factors, including the level of accommodation, the length of the trip, meals and beverages, transportation and whether guides or park fees are included. It is important to understand the pricing of other products targeting the Gen X market to increase your own competitiveness. This means looking at prices both in your destination and in competing destinations.

Gen X decide how much they are willing to pay based on the quality and value of a product, but also on their own circumstances. You can consult the CBI study on the European market potential for Gen X tourism for more information on segmentation, but realise that families will likely have tighter per person budgets, as they are travelling with more people compared to those travelling solo or couples who may have larger budgets.

Table 2 below gives an indication of the pricing of products currently on the market that may appeal to Gen Xers.

Table 2: Prices of products for Gen X in competing destinations

Trip/experience Country Duration Price from (€) pp
1 day or less      
Pamukkale & Hierapolis Tour Turkey 8 hours 75
Snorkelling Boat Trip from Hurghada Egypt 7 hours 30
White Water Rafting Costa Rica 5 hours 75
Nairobi City Tour Kenya 8 hours 130
Dune surfing Namibia 8 hours 125
Guided Tour to Kazbegi Georgia 10 hours 45
Up to 1 week      
Istanbul & Ephesus & Pamukkale Package Turkey 5 days 440
Cairo and Nile Cruise Egypt 7 days 885
Costa Rica Family Getaway Costa Rica 7 days 935
Lakes and Mara Safari (private) Kenya 4 days 455
A Taste of Etosha Namibia 3 days 675
Gudauri Ski Family Package Georgia 5 days 475
1 to 2 weeks      
Family Tour of Turkey Turkey 10 days 765
Egyptian Family Adventure Tour Egypt 12 days 2,190
Family Safari Costa Rica 9 days 3,350
Kenya Bush Safari and Beach Relaxation   Kenya 10 days 2,100
Namibia Highlights Self-Drive Namibia 13 days 1,345
Private 10-day Itinerary Georgia 10 days 400

Source: Acorn Tourism Consulting

Note: Holiday prices exclude international airfares.


  • Conduct a simple pricing analysis to see how much tourism products cost in your destination. Find out what elements are included and the level of accommodation and activities, and consider which markets they are targeting. This will help you set competitive prices for your products.
  • Try to keep tour costs as low as possible as Gen X travellers are often budget-conscious. However, if the quality is high and the activities cater to all members of the family, they may be willing to pay more.
  • Keep day tour prices below €100 where possible to attract Gen X.
  • For more help on setting prices, consult the CBI study ‘10 tips for doing business with European tourism buyers’, and see tip 7: Set a fair price for your services.

Acorn Tourism Consulting Limited carried out this study on behalf of CBI.

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Combine experiences with comfortable accommodation. Gen X want authenticity. They want owner-managed, authentic experiences, lovely local delicious food, and great service. They want the experience, but they do not want to sleep on the floor. Combine experiences with 4-star authentic accommodation. That is what they want.

Abi Shaw

Abi Shaw, Director, Bushbaby Travel