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The European cosmetics market offers opportunities to suppliers of palm oil alternatives, such as coconut oil and babassu oil, from developing countries. This demand is driven by growing consumer awareness and an increasing demand for more environmentally friendly products. Western European countries are the most attractive for exporters of palm oil alternatives from developing countries.

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Demand for essential oils by the European cosmetics industry is growing. The global market is expected to double in the next six years. Essential oils are increasingly being used in aromatherapy products and fragrances. Another driver of growth is consumer demand for high-quality personal care products with more natural ingredients. To export essential oils to Europe, your customer there must be satisfied that the products comply with European Union (EU) regulations.

Organising your exports correctly can make the difference between making a profit or a loss. You need a good understanding of practical matters regarding customs, tariffs, transport, payment terms and insurance. You also need to organise your export documents and address key sustainability issues, such as packaging and certification schemes.

It’s not surprising that sales and shipping are different departments. Moving goods from the factory to the next step in the chain involves detailed preparation and checking. For example, checking that the product is correct, that the PO is correct, that the payment terms and conditions are clear and communicated, that the packaging and the label is correct, that the technical and shipping documents are correct, that the goods are picked up at the right time and so on. Delays and mistakes can be very costly. Make sure you check and double check at every stage of the process and keep tracking and communicating the progress. Of course, there can still be problems. If there are, make sure you contact your buyer straightaway.

Andrew Jones, Director of Fair Venture Consulting, which specialises in providing services to help small and medium enterprises succeed in the European market.


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Spain is the fresh garden for Europe. You can find opportunities to complement the Spanish production of fruit and vegetables but also in supplying Spain with non-traditional and tropical fruit. Their broad experience in cultivation and the developing market channels are ideal ingredients for exploring new partnerships in Spain.

The European market for coconuts is relatively small with many potential suppliers. Young and mature coconuts are very different markets, each with its own specifications and requirements. Ivory Coast (mature coconuts), Thailand and Vietnam (young coconuts) are the main players reaching large sales channels, such as supermarkets. Freshness and sustainable production are key if you want to participate in the European coconut trade.


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The coconut is very versatile product. There is an increasing popularity of young, drinkable coconuts and mature coconut flesh is made available as an affordable and easy-to-consume product. Your future in supplying the European market lies in your ability to compete on price, innovation and a sustainable supply.

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The demand for lemons is slowly growing but remains for a large part inelastic. This means it is a difficult market to regulate and surplus production cannot be easily pushed onto the market. Lemons are a typical fruit with market fluctuations. Therefore, as a lemon exporter you must expect high peaks and lows. Your biggest opportunity is when Spanish supply is low.

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Stone fruit is a large segment in the fresh fruit trade, but even more so in local production. You will find a large number of varieties and an even larger number of growers. When exporting plums to Europe you must take into account changing consumer preferences per country over time and look for international cooperation.

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Table grapes are some of the most traded fruits in Europe. The highly developed market requires you to be innovative and competitive and to be able to deal with temporary oversupply. Growers can get most out of the market when they focus on quality, choose the right grape varieties and become part of a programmed supply.

In 2020 Belgium sourced 96% of its coffee imports directly from producing countries. The three main green coffee suppliers were Brazil, Vietnam and Honduras, accounting for about 58% of total supplies. The increasing interest in high-quality and certified coffees in Belgium underlines the growing importance of origin, traceability and social impact of coffee. This makes storytelling an increasingly important aspect for every actor along the value chain in the coffee sector.


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