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European imports of ceramic dinnerware are growing and almost half of them come from developing countries. This makes Europe an interesting market for you, particularly in the mid- and higher-end segments of the ceramic dinnerware market. To target these segments, you need to add value to your products through design and storytelling. Adding sustainable elements and handmade designs also offers opportunities.

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European cutlery imports are growing, with almost half of them coming from developing countries. This makes Europe an interesting market for you. Depending on your concept, a high or lower-middle market is available to you. The latter requires an innovative design approach, where the former is based on high productivity and low cost. Generally, sustainable values are new to this category and can be used to differentiate.

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As the world’s leading candle importer, Europe is an interesting market for you. Demand is mainly driven by candles creating ambience in the home. In addition, candles increasingly play a supporting role in maintaining and improving consumers’ physical and mental wellbeing. The mid- to high-end market has the most potential for you. To target these segments, you can add value related to the origin of your ingredients, high-level craftsmanship and design, gift packaging and sustainability.

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Demand for dried tropical fruit in Europe is driven by the healthy snacking trend and the popularity of exotic flavours. New developing country suppliers can find opportunities in large importing, processing and consuming countries such as the United Kingdom or Germany. Emerging suppliers can gain a competitive advantage by offering safe, sustainable and high-quality products with stable prices.

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Demand for frozen berries in Europe is driven by the popularity of berries in general. The fruit is promoted as a ‘superfruit’ due to the high level of antioxidants and other nutrients. The popularity of smoothies, and the strong increase in use by the food processing industry drives demand. Opportunities for new developing country suppliers can be found in large markets such as Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy. New suppliers must be able to compete with established offers from Poland and Serbia.

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The European Union is one of the most demanding markets for frozen vegetables. Demand is driven by factors such as people’s busy lifestyles and the need for healthier eating options. Over the years, vegetable production has increased in European countries and reliance on imports seems to be lower. In fact, several European countries import frozen vegetables for re-export, thereby creating opportunities for suppliers worldwide. Opportunities for new suppliers exist in large markets such as Germany, France, Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands.

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Demand for pistachios in Europe is driven by the popularity of pistachios as a luxury snack, by the healthy snacking trend and by the use of pistachio kernels in a growing number of products. There are opportunities for new developing country suppliers in markets such as Germany, Italy and Spain. Emerging pistachio suppliers can gain a competitive advantage by offering safe, sustainable and high-quality products with stable prices. New suppliers must be able to compete with very strong competition from the United States and Iran.

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The demand for macadamia nuts in Europe is stagnating due to inflation and the energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. Macadamia nuts are seen as luxury products compared to other nuts. Currently, they are considered too expensive for many consumers. Intensive planting of new macadamia orchards has led to oversupply and a decrease in export prices. However, in the medium term, demand is expected to increase again. This demand is driven by the popularity of healthy snacking.

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Groundnuts are popular in Europe as a savoury snack. Their popularity is also helped by the healthy snacking trend and increasing demand for plant proteins. The biggest opportunities for new developing-country suppliers are in importing, processing and consuming countries like the Netherlands, Germany and the United Kingdom. Groundnut suppliers from developing countries should offer high quality, safe and sustainable products with stable prices.

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