At the time of writing, the first waves of COVID-19 are still spreading around the world. In some countries, the situation is slightly improving. Some of the strictest lockdown measures are being relaxed or lifted. Still, as long as no vaccine is available, future waves may occur. COVID-19 is changing production circumstances, logistics, buying practices and consumer preferences. This study presents a step-by-step plan to help you reduce the negative effect on your spices and herbs business and take advantage of new opportunities.


“Now more than ever, you should act as a partner to your customers. You must pro-actively and accurately communicate possible disruptions in their supply, and you should not make promises if you cannot keep them.” – Jan Kees Hottentot, P. Visser & Zoon B.V.


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The global COVID-19 pandemic is still having a major impact on international trade and travel. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourism industry are among the most affected. This study provides you with a guide to help you take the necessary actions to ensure the survival of your business and prepare for the future recovery of the tourism market.

I think that the three most important things for the travel and tourism industry in the “living with Covid” world of 2022 and beyond, will be confidence, trust and sustainability. Travel consumers will need to feel they can trust the messages and advice of travel agents, tourist destinations, airlines and government bodies. If there is no trust, nothing will move. Confidence will also play a major role. Confidence in the hygiene protocols of destinations, hotels and transportation providers; confidence in the repatriation and hospitalisation strategies of travel companies and tourism destinations. And finally, a big challenge for 2022 onwards will be sustainability. The average travel consumer will become increasingly aware of climate change and the need to enjoy tourism while having a negative or neutral impact on the environment and communities of destinations they visit.

Steve Dunne
Steve Dunne, Digital Drums

Many trends are rapidly becoming more important, non more so than the trend of sustainability and responsible tourism. Every tourism stakeholder can do the basics of reducing plastic, careful maintenance and looking after the wellness of your staff and the communities you engage with. There are plenty of international and regional programmes you can sign up to. Embrace this and show that you are following this as a belief at the core of your work practice and embrace your clients’ focus on this growing trend.

Clive Bishop

Clive Bishop, Blue Skies Consultancy Group


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The European market for vases offers opportunities, but competition is strong. As mass-producing countries dominate the lower ends of the market, the mid-end segment is your best option – particularly the mid-high segment. To appeal to these consumers, you need to add value to your products through design, craftsmanship and sustainability. You must meet mandatory (legal) requirements, as well as any additional requirements your buyers may have.

Brands are all busy leveraging [using] honesty to gain attention and differentiate themselves from competitors. But consumers are on the watch. They may love brands with a socially good approach or ethical standpoint, but they’re increasingly wary: you have to activate real change.

David Shah, Publisher & Editor, View Publications



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21 January 2021


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The landscape for exporting office and school bags has changed significantly over the last decade. Not only are established brands outsourcing production, but online retailers like Amazon and are also facilitating outsourced production by offering fast-moving decent quality low to mid-end products. At the same time there is also an appreciation for higher quality, especially in the leather work bag segment. This opens up a significant luxury market, although existing European brands dominate in the luxury item segment, in which brand appreciation is very important.

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The European market for notebooks is growing, with developing countries as important suppliers, which makes it an interesting market for you. Demand is driven by a re-appreciation of offline life, where consumers are using paper to write down their thoughts and plans. The mid- to high-end market offers you the most opportunities, especially in the handmade niches. To target these segments, you need to add value to your products through design, craftsmanship, materials, and finish. Sustainability values can also give you a competitive edge.

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The European market for travel accessories made of textiles presents interesting opportunities for developing country exporters, as demand for travel accessories is increasing. This upward trend is expected to continue over the next few years. Almost half of the European imports of textile travel accessories are supplied by developing countries, which makes them the main source of imports into the European market. In order to succeed, you should keep two important trends in mind: increased demand for sustainable materials and products made of lightweight yet fashionable fabrics.

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European imports of lighting products are increasing, including those coming directly from developing countries. This makes Europe an interesting market for you. Mass production from China dominates the lower ends of the lighting market, so the mid-end to high-end segments offer you the most opportunities. You should focus on design, craftsmanship and storytelling because consumers in those segments want to express their personal style with the products they buy. Sustainability is also becoming increasingly important.

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An increased focus on the garden and the disappearing barrier between indoor and outdoor living spaces are driving European demand for garden furniture. This makes Europe an interesting market for you, particularly the mid to high-end segments. Natural materials and handmade designs offer good opportunities in both of these segments, where major sector trends such as wellness, sustainability and urbanisation play a key role.

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European imports of the product groups that include vases have grown considerably in recent years. With more than half of these imports coming directly from developing countries, Europe continues to be an interesting market for you. Consumers’ need to bring nature into their home keeps driving demand. Particularly the mid-high segment offers you good opportunities. You can target this segment by adding value to your products through design and craftsmanship. Sustainability is also important in the mid-high market.

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Growing consumer interest in wellness and the spa experiences, at home or not, are driving up the popularity of hammam towels in the European market. The public health restrictions imposed in reason of the Covid-19 pandemic further stimulate this demand. The middle and high-end market segments offer you the most opportunities. To supply to these segments, you can use special techniques and materials. Working with sustainable and organic materials and offering the ability to co-create with your buyer can give you a competitive edge.

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