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The Netherlands is a medium-sized coffee market playing an important role in the European coffee trade. Similar to coffee cultures in other European countries, the Dutch demand for sustainable and high-quality coffee has increased over the years. This offers opportunities to exporters of high-quality green coffees with a unique story. In addition, adopting sustainable production and trade practices is important to gain access to the Dutch market. Certified products have become mainstream on the Dutch coffee market.

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France is a large and mature coffee market with a long tradition of coffee consumption. The country holds an important position in European imports of green coffee, with a well-established coffee roasting industry. Sustainability and certification are major trends on the French coffee market. Given the widespread availability of certified coffee in France, certification may be a key entry requirement for coffee exporters. The specialty coffee market in France is taking shape, offering interesting opportunities to exporters offering high-quality coffees with unique stories.

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The European market is the global leader for sustainable coffee. Coffee industry players have consistently tried to meet market demands by adopting more sustainable practices, which has led to an increase in the sourcing of certified coffees. The most common certification schemes for coffee are Rainforest Alliance/UTZ, Fairtrade, Organic and 4C. In general, sustainability issues are important to both producers and buyers; hence they will remain high on the international agenda.

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Hibiscus health products are becoming increasingly popular in the European market. Rising consumer awareness and the ageing European population are two major drivers that are generating demand for nutritional supplements. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, and it is likely to continue. There is a growing demand in Europe for natural health products, such as hibiscus-based supplements. Hibiscus is used in food and beverages, cosmetics, as well as health products. The major competing products to hibiscus include moringa, baobab and matcha.

Italy was once 1 of the most important producers of knitwear for countries in the Europeam Union (EU). That role has been taken over by China, Bangladesh, India, Turkey and others. If you want to be successful in exporting knitwear to Europe, you need to understand what qualities, styles and services are required by European buyers and what legislation you need to comply to.

If you approach a potential buyer on LinkedIn, don’t say you are the cheapest or make a generic offer. I get dozens of messages like that every week. Instead, study your prospect and be honest about your Unique Selling Points and your MOQs.

Willem van der Vis

Willem van der Vis, MTR Fashion Flair


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Spain plays an important role in the cocoa market, having the seventh-largest import volume of cocoa beans in Europe. Cocoa grinding companies lead the country’s growth in the cocoa and cocoa products sector, in which Spain also features as an important worldwide exporter and consumer of chocolate. Spanish domestic consumption is consistent, yet the value of consumed products is increasing, which indicates a growing national demand for high-quality products, particularly chocolates with high cocoa content.

Consumers in Scandinavia increasingly demand healthy, high-quality and sustainable cocoa products. In fact, sustainability is a key theme and an important decision factor for purchasing food products in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. This means that cocoa beans traded using transparent, sustainable, and ethical practices may find most opportunities in the Scandinavian market. Among other indicators, organic products have a particularly large market share in Scandinavian countries.

Lisanne Groothuis: market researcher

Lisanne Groothuis

The Scandinavian cocoa market is relatively small. While high-quality cocoa is gaining popularity in the market, the mainstream segment is still dominant. In this segment, the certification of large and private label brands is an important market trend. The mainstreaming of the organic market also highlights the importance of organic cocoa for exporters.

If you have high-quality cocoas, look for the niche markets and the smaller buyers, which are focused on the uniqueness of cocoa beans.


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The cocoa market in Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) is rather small in volumes. The market is increasingly looking for higher-quality and more sustainable cocoa products in general. Hence, cocoa beans traded using transparent, sustainable, and ethical practices may find interesting opportunities. Exporters should expect strict requirements on food safety and sustainability from Scandinavian buyers.

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This report explains the most important opportunities and requirements for exporting knitwear to Europe. You will learn about rules and regulations, the best channels to get your product onto the market, the countries where your competitors are located and the best ways to provide a quotation.

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This report explains what the most important opportunities and requirements are for exporting Children wear to Europe. You will learn about rules and regulations, about the best channels to get your product on the market, about the countries where your competitors are and the best ways to provide a quotation.

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