The year 2020 was a shocking one for the tourism industry. Inbound travel plunged and predicting when tourism demand will recover is difficult. This study shows you how you can forecast the recovery of European markets by using Google Trends data in a Google Data Studio dashboard. A number of sample dashboards that can help you decide when to start up marketing campaigns and how to forecast revenues are included as well.


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The European market for basketry is growing. Most of the imports are sourced from developing countries, making Europe an interesting market for you. The market growth is driven by consumers’ need to declutter both their mind and their homes. Demand for natural materials is strong, fitting in with the interest in sustainability. You can further add value to your basketry by using traditional elements, craftsmanship and materials. This also creates a good basis for your storytelling.


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European basketry imports are on the rise, mostly from developing countries. This makes Europe an interesting market for you. The mid-end segment of the basketry market in particular offers you opportunities. To target this segment, you should focus on design, decoration, craftsmanship and storytelling. Sustainability can also add value to your product.

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Europe is a strong market for Leather Bags, with a total import value of €3.5 billion and a 5-year average growth of 3.2%. The biggest markets include France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium. If you want to sell leather bags in the European Union you need to comply with several mandatory requirements like product safety, use of chemicals and labelling. And European buyers often ask for compliance with specific standards. As a leather bags producer, you are competing with thousands of suppliers from within and outside of Europe.

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For squid and cuttlefish, Europe offers a diverse market. Many species are fished commercially and each species has its market. The leading importers for squid and cuttlefish can be found in Southern Europe where people eat the most squid and cuttlefish. Some countries also have processing industries that re-export it. To spread your risk, target European retail and food service markets through importers and wholesalers. But make sure that you can trace your product and that you follow all hygiene rules and guidelines.

Depending on the end market different products are requested. For octopus, wholesale and retail are the main end markets. The wholesale segment does offer various products but these are seldomly value added products, while retail offers a wider range of products including value added and re-processed items. Italy is leading when it comes to consumption of octopus and while Spain is the number one importer, it re-exports a large part as well.


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The European market for rock lobster is unique. This is not only because of its niche and specialised demand, mostly catering to high-end retailers and restaurants, but also because it is a product with limited availability around the world. The demand almost always exceeds the supply and, for this reason, rock lobster is expensive. Rock lobster is mostly consumed during special occasions and holidays. To be able to attract European buyers, you must meet the requirements regarding safety, quality and sustainability.

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Octopus covers a range of species, which are produced in various regions around the world, including Europe itself. However, Europe's production does not cover the demand, which provides a good opportunity for you as an exporter. The main importing countries are based in Southern Europe as end consumers there are more familiar with the product. The end markets are wholesale and retail, where the latter often offers re-processed items to its consumers.

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CBI actively supports the tourism sector in Myanmar with an export coaching programme for SME tour operators (TO).  The focus is on coaching TO’s in order to improve their business practices and meet EU market trends and requirements. The main goal is to contribute to employment creation, sharing of additional wealth created and long term sustainability of their business. CBI’s support and expertise helps TO’s to identify and capitalize on business opportunities. This programme aims to improve business performance and increase exports among supported TO’s.

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