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European demand for candle holders is driven by their ability to create ambience in the home. Candles and candle holders also play a supporting role in the increasingly important wellness trend. The mid- and higher-end segments of the European candle holder market hold the most potential for exporters in developing countries. To target these segments, you can add value by incorporating sustainability, gift packaging and fun designs.

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The European market for blankets and throws is recovering after a decline in 2020. Two-thirds of the import value is sourced directly from developing countries. The mid- and high-end segments have the most potential for exporters in developing countries. The focus on sustainability and wellness continues to increase, driving the interest in natural materials and designs. Exporters who are interested in doing business in these segments can use traditional techniques and designs to add value and a story to their products.

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Europe is an important sunflower seed producer. However, it does not produce enough to meet its own needs and therefore relies on imports from third countries. Most of the sunflower seeds produced in and imported into the EU are crushed into cooking oil. But whole sunflower seeds are important food ingredients used in baking goods and, increasingly, as healthy and convenient snacks for health-conscious consumers – a growing market segment with promising opportunities for suppliers outside of Europe.

As cycling is a low-impact, sustainable outdoor activity, there are good opportunities for cycle-friendly tourism businesses to attract the European market. The segment is diverse, offering a wide range of cycling tourism experiences such as bicycle touring over longer distances, mountain biking on challenging terrain and urban cycling on sightseeing trips. Cycling tourists are also looking for inspirational and personal experiences that include elements of culture and seeing local life.

Finding a local operator who shares our values and approach is really important to us. We look for local teams we can work with to deliver a great customer experience centred around discovering a country by bike. Our clients want to see the real place, meeting local people and exploring a destination’s hidden gems, alongside high-quality cycling experiences that have minimal impact on the environment. A local partner with good local knowledge who is reliable and professional is essential to ensure our clients enjoy a smooth trip.

Lizzie Cottier

Lizzie Cottier, Head of Product Development, Skedaddle

 To attract cycling tourists from Europe, you have to work with European tour operators such as Eigen-wijze Reizen. In order to make an attractive offer to a European tour operator, you must include sufficient information. Your route should be diverse and attractive. Perhaps more importantly, you need to assure us that you can provide quality bicycles, repair on the road and be easily accessible.

Nadine Stehouwer

Nadine Stehouwer, Marketing and PR, Eigen-wijze Reizen


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13 September 2022



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Europeans are very keen leisure cyclists and cycling tourism is becoming more popular in destinations all over the world. The major European markets for cycling tourism are Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, Denmark and the UK, and many nationals are keen everyday cyclists as well. Post-pandemic, Europeans like to enjoy outdoor activities to stay safe and healthy and this applies to their holidays too.

Terms & conditions are a key part of any purchasing agreement or contract between you and your buyer. They provide clarity to all parties and save time. Having your own set of terms & conditions gives you a more secure bargaining position in the negotiations with your buyer. This study describes what these terms & conditions could look like, so you can use it as a guideline to develop your own.


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In the European market for home decoration and home textiles (HDHT), imports traditionally flow through wholesale importers and larger retailers or retail chains. Nowadays, smaller (independent) retailers are also increasingly buying directly from producers in developing countries. Another way to reach European consumers is via business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce. This study discusses the pros and cons of distribution through smaller retailers and direct online sales to help you decide if these alternative channels are an option for you.


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Europe is an interesting market for sustainable materials and apparel made with sustainable materials. There is widespread concern in Europe about environmental issues and sustainability. This is driven by ecological consciousness among the European governments and consumers as both expect apparel producers to be socially and environmentally responsible. In the past few years, the demand for sustainable fashion products has increased. Orders for the supply of “green” materials have also increased.

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Europe is a strong market for coats, jackets and blazers, with a total import value of €8.7 billion and a five-year average growth of 1.0%. The biggest markets include Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. Women’s or girls’ coats, jackets and blazers is the dominating product sub-segment in most countries, accounting for 70% of the total, but men’s or boys’ coats, jackets and blazers typically command higher unit prices.

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