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There are opportunities for different types of fresh green beans. There is an off-season market for imported common green beans such as bobby beans and flat beans, but also a growing demand for premium fine beans. As an exporter, you must pay specific attention to quality control, low pesticide residues and the sustainability of your product.

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The UK is a mature and competitive market, but also deals with a large number of supply countries. As a supplier, you have to be prepared for a dominant retail sector and strict supply standards. Related to this is a strong demand for convenience and ethical products. Brexit has opened opportunities for new suppliers, especially for producers near Europe.

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European companies are expected to make significant healthtech investments in the coming years. Healthtech solutions can make processes smoother and treatment easier, enabling health workers to give more time to patients. Time is often valued more than money in this sector. Next to that, new regulations will become permanent and there will be a focus on value-based care and virtual care.

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Because of the COVID-pandemic Europeans are now used to working from home. However, they realise that human contact remains vital for a properly functioning company. Good hybrid workspace technology is the bridge between working from home and working at the office. It supports both processes and the people working with them. The European market offers you many opportunities, as companies are looking for solutions that minimise the gap between working at the office and working from home.

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There is an all-year demand for pineapples in Europe. The MD2 is the dominant variety, with an ample supply from Costa Rica. To become successful as a supplier, you will need to offer consistent and uniform quality, a sustainable product and an efficient supply chain. Your variety and mode of transport will define the market channel with the best opportunities.

Ukraine and Russia are two of the world’s largest exporters of sunflower oil. Supply chain disruptions are now affecting the global vegetable oils market. They have led to higher prices, which are expected to stay high in 2022‑2023. Although developing countries export other types of vegetable oil, they also benefit from the higher market prices. This will probably more than make up for the higher cost of production inputs and the expected decline of exports to Russia and Ukraine.


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Russia is a big importer of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables. Ukraine is a much smaller market. The war in Ukraine has made exports of fresh fruits and vegetables to these countries vulnerable. At the same time, demand for products like fresh tomatoes and processed fruits and vegetables may go up. For some developing countries, Russia is already an important market for fresh avocados, coconuts, tomatoes and mangoes. Imports of preserved fruits and vegetables from developing countries are small now but they are likely to grow.


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Russia is a medium-sized coffee importer, and Ukraine’s coffee imports are relatively small. We expect that their imports from developing countries will go down in 2022. This will affect exports to Ukraine and Russia from developing countries, for example Indonesia, Uganda and Ethiopia. However, failed harvests and supply chain disruptions have had a much bigger impact on the global coffee market. Russian buyers are also finding new ways to pay for their coffee imports. This means that the effect of the war on coffee exports is very small.

The impact of the weather and plant diseases such as leaf rust will affect the market more than the potential lower demand from the countries that are currently in conflict in Europe.

Coffee trader from the Netherlands


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The European market for carpets made of natural fibres carpets is growing. More than half the import value of these products comes directly from developing countries. The mid- and high-end market segments hold  the most opportunities. To supply to these segments, traditional techniques and designs can be used to add a story to the products. A competitive edge can be gained by working with sustainable, natural or recycled materials and through co-creation. Banning illegal child labour is an issue that is especially relevant in the carpet industry.

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The European market for ready-made curtains is growing. More than half of the import value comes directly from developing countries. The mid-end market has the most potential for exporters in developing countries. To supply this segment, the curtains must have added value. Special techniques, craftmanship, and the type and quality of raw materials can be showcased. Sustainable materials, the story behind a product and innovation can give an exporter a competitive edge.

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